The OBOOK is the main resource for OBOAcademy training materials for Semantic OBO Engineers.
- To get started with learning:
- To contribute:
# Create a virtual environment in the project folder
python -m venv .venv
# Activate the virtual environment
# in mac/linux
source .venv/bin/activate
# in Windows
# Install dependencies
pip install mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-material
If you haven't, activate the local virtual environment
# in mac/linux
source .venv/bin/activate
# in Windows
Then run:
mkdocs serve
Go to, you should see the site.
This content is available under the Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Critical Path Institute (CPI) is an independent, nonprofit organisation dedicated to bringing together experts from regulatory agencies, industry, and academia to collaborate and improve the medical product development process.
In April 2021, the CPI has commissioned the first version of this OBO course, contributing not only funding for the preparation and delivery of the materials, but also valuable feedback about the course contents and data for the practical exercises. We thank the CPI for contributing significantly to the OBO community and open science!