RTS3D: Real-time Stereo 3D Detection from 4D Feature-Consistency Embedding Space for Autonomous Driving

Primary LanguagePython

RTS3D: Real-time Stereo 3D Detection from 4D Feature-Consistency Embedding Space for Autonomous Driving (AAAI2021).

RTS3D is efficiency and accuracy stereo 3D object detection method for autonomous driving.



RTS3D is the first true real-time system (FPS>24) for stereo image 3D detection meanwhile achieves 10% improvement in average precision comparing with the previous state-of-the-art method. RTS3D only require RGB images without synthetic data, instance segmentation, CAD model, or depth generator.


  • Fast: 33 FPS of single image test speed in KITTI benchmark with 384*1280 resolution
  • Accuracy: SOTA on the KITTI benchmark.
  • Anchor Free: No 2D or 3D anchor are reauired
  • Easy to deploy: RTS3D uses conventional convolution operations and MLP, so it is very easy to deploy and accelerate.

RTS3D Baseline and Model Zoo

All experiments are tested with Ubuntu 16.04, Pytorch 1.0.0, CUDA 9.0, Python 3.6, single NVIDIA 2080Ti

IoU Setting 1: Car IoU > 0.5, Pedestrian IoU > 0.25, Cyclist IoU > 0.25

IoU Setting 2: Car IoU > 0.7, Pedestrian IoU > 0.5, Cyclist IoU > 0.5

  • Training on KITTI train split and evaluation on val split.
Class Iteration FPS AP BEV IoU Setting1 AP 3D IoU Setting1 AP BEV IoU Setting2 AP 3D IoU Setting2
- - - Easy / Moderate / Hard Easy / Moderate / Hard Easy / Moderate / Hard Easy / Moderate / Hard
Car- Recall-11 1 90.9 89.83, 77.05, 68.28 89.27, 70.12, 61.17 73.20, 53.62, 46.44 60.87, 42.38, 36.44
Car- Recall-40 1 90.9 92.92, 76.17, 66.62 90.35, 71.37, 63.52 78.12, 54.75, 47.09 60.34, 39.32, 32.97
Car- Recall-11 2 45.5 90.41, 78.70, 70.03 90.26, 77.23, 68.28 76.56, 56.46, 48.20 63.65, 44.50, 37.48
Car- Recall-40 2 45.5 95.75, 79.61, 69.69 93.57, 76.64, 66.72 78.12, 54.75, 47.09 63.99, 41.78, 34.96
  • Training on KITTI train split and evaluation on val split.
    • FCE Space Resolution: 10 * 10 * 10
    • Recall split: 11
    • Iteration: 2
    • Model: (Google Drive), (Baidu Cloud 提取码:4t4u)
Class AP BEV IoU Setting1 AP 3D IoU Setting1 AP BEV IoU Setting2 AP 3D IoU Setting2
- Easy / Moderate / Hard Easy / Moderate / Hard Easy / Moderate / Hard Easy / Moderate / Hard
Car 90.18, 78.46, 69.76 89.88, 76.64, 67.86 74.95, 54.07, 46.78 58.50, 39.74, 34.83
Pedestrian 57.12, 48.82, 40.88 56.36, 48.29, 40.22 32.16, 26.31, 21.28 26.95, 20.77, 19.74
Cyclist 54.48, 35.78, 30.80 53.86, 30.90, 30.52 33.59, 20.80, 20.14 31.05, 20.26, 18.93


Please refer to INSTALL.md

Dataset preparation

Please download the official KITTI 3D object detection dataset and organize the downloaded files as follows:

├── kitti_format
│   ├── data
│   │   ├── kitti
│   │   |   ├── annotations
│   │   │   ├── calib /000000.txt .....
│   │   │   ├── image(left[0-7480] right[7481-14961] input augmentatiom)
│   │   │   ├── label /000000.txt .....
|   |   |   ├── train.txt val.txt trainval.txt
│   │   │   ├── mono_results /000000.txt .....
├── src
├── demo_kitti_format
├── readme
├── requirements.txt

Getting Started

Please refer to GETTING_STARTED.md to learn more usage about this project.



RTS3D is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details). Portions of the code are borrowed from, CenterNet, iou3d and kitti_eval (KITTI dataset evaluation). Please refer to the original License of these projects (See NOTICE).


If you find this project useful for your research, please use the following BibTeX entry.

Author = {Peixuan Li, Shun Su, Huaici Zhao},
Title = {RTS3D: Real-time Stereo 3D Detection from 4D Feature-Consistency Embedding Space for Autonomous Driving},
Year = {2020},
Eprint = {arXiv:2012.15072},