Asynchronous WebServer Library for STM32H7-based Portenta_H7 using mbed_portenta core. This library, which is relied on Portenta_H7_AsyncTCP, is part of a series of advanced Async libraries, such as AsyncTCP, AsyncUDP, AsyncWebSockets, AsyncHTTPRequest, AsyncHTTPSRequest, etc. Now supporting using CString in optional SDRAM to save heap to send very large data
- 5
Mqtt and Async Webserver can't co-exsist.
#15 opened by javos65 - 1
Weird HTTP_POST hangup
#12 opened by AndreiSab - 39
request->send(200, textPlainStr, jsonChartDataCharStr); - Without using String Class - to save heap
#6 opened by khoih-prog - 2
Compiling Library into application
#4 opened by salasidis - 5
Unable upload file
#2 opened by rickypid - 1
- 3
#include "resources.h"
#3 opened by salasidis - 3