
Underscore text-object for Vim

Primary LanguageVim Script


The textobj-underscore plugin provides two new text-objects which are triggered by a_ and i_ respectively. You can use them when you have to deal with the following type of words:

  • foo_bar_baz

Now, suppose you have to change bar to qux (* for cursor position). You can do the following:

foo_b*ar_bar and type ci_ to get foo_*_bar. Or you can type da_ to get foobar


I strongly recommend installing pathogen.vim.

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://github.com/lucapette/vim-ruby-doc.git

Or you can unzip it in your ~/.vim directory. The plugin depends on the awesome vim-textobj-user by kana. So you need to install it in order to use this plugin.


  • kana Use normal! instead of normal to avoid unexpected remapping.


Copyright (c) Luca Pette. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself.