
Tashkent AQI prediction app

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

README.md for AQI Prediction App https://aqi-prediction-app.streamlit.app/

Air quality in Tashkent has been getting worse over the last 5 years. There have been times when Tashkent ranked first for the worst air quality. The main pollutant is PM2.5. I built this app to track today's weather, make predictions for the next 5 days, and plan outdoor or indoor activities accordingly.

This project is a comprehensive weather and air quality prediction application built using Python, Streamlit, and various data science tools. The app displays current weather conditions, air quality index (AQI), and predicts PM2.5 levels for the next five days. The project is structured to facilitate data fetching, processing, model training, and deployment in a systematic manner.

Project Structure

├── data/
│   ├── raw/                   # Raw data from external sources
│   ├── processed/             # Processed data ready for analysis
│   ├── models/                # Trained models
│   └── backdata/              # Historical data storage
│       └── historical_data.csv
├── notebooks/
│   ├── model_training.ipynb   # Jupyter notebook for model training
├── scripts/
│   ├── fetch_weather_data.py  # Script to fetch weather data from APIs
│   ├── transform_data.py      # Script to transform raw data
│   ├── train_model.py         # Script to train predictive models
│   ├── inference.py           # Script for model inference
├── app/
│   ├── main.py                # Streamlit app script
├── .github/
│   └── workflows/
│       └── daily_fetch.yml    # GitHub Actions workflow for daily data fetch
├── requirements.txt           # Python dependencies
├── Dockerfile                 # Dockerfile for containerizing the app
├── dvc.yaml                   # DVC pipeline file
├── .gitignore                 # Git ignore file
└── README.md                  # Project documentation

Steps and Detailed Explanations

1. Data Collection

  • Scripts: fetch_weather_data.py
  • Details: This script fetches current weather data and AQI from external APIs. It is scheduled to run daily using GitHub Actions (daily_fetch.yml) to ensure the data is up-to-date.

2. Data Storage

  • Directory: data/raw/
  • Details: Raw data fetched from APIs is stored in this directory. Historical data is archived in data/backdata/historical_data.csv for long-term storage and future analysis.

3. Data Processing

  • Scripts: transform_data.py
  • Details: This script processes raw data, cleaning and transforming it into a format suitable for analysis and modeling. Processed data is stored in data/processed/.

4. Model Training

  • Notebook: notebooks/model_training.ipynb
  • Scripts: train_model.py
  • Details: The Jupyter notebook contains exploratory data analysis (EDA) and initial model training. The train_model.py script is used to automate model training and save the trained models in data/models/.

5. Model Inference

  • Scripts: inference.py
  • Details: This script loads the trained model and makes predictions on new data. Predictions are stored in data/processed/predictions.csv.

6. Streamlit App

  • Script: app/main.py
  • Details: The Streamlit app displays current weather conditions, AQI, and PM2.5 predictions. It includes various UI enhancements like icons and interactive plots for better user experience.

7. Continuous Integration

  • File: .github/workflows/daily_fetch.yml
  • Details: GitHub Actions workflow to automate daily data fetching and updating the repository with new data.

8. Dependency Management

  • File: requirements.txt
  • Details: Lists all Python dependencies required to run the project.

9. Containerization

  • File: Dockerfile
  • Details: Dockerfile to containerize the application for deployment. It sets up the environment, installs dependencies, and runs the Streamlit app.


  • Details: The app can be deployed using various platforms like Heroku, AWS, or any Docker-compatible environment. The Dockerfile facilitates easy deployment by encapsulating the app in a container.