
There are 36 repositories under aqi-monitor topic.

  • ThangLeQuoc/aqi-calculator

    An Air Quality Index Calculator using US EPA Formula, which support AQI for pollutant, and also with Nowcast AQI

  • 3cky/flipperzero-airmon

    Flipper Zero air quality monitoring application.

  • bastienwirtz/air-quality-monitor

    Indoor air quality monitor based on ESP32 & Sensirion SPS30 Particulate Matter Sensor.

  • ajlongshanks/co2_esphome

    A co2 Monitor based on ESP32 with SCD30 sensor to Measure and display Carbon Dioxide concentrations and air quality

  • CyberDeer/InPost-Air

    Home Assistant integration for InPost Air Quality

  • addiraw/Application-Project-Aphrodite-alpha

    Application for Soil health identification. Air health identification. Upcoming feature for agriculture, land Mining and other research purpose through using machine learning and artificial Intelligence and culminating into a vast application for computer vision also.

  • AndreasExner/ioBroker-IoT-Framework

    ioBroker IoT Framework (based on NodeMCU ESP8266)

  • aqi_monitor


    This is a place to show off what went into building my AQI measuring station.

  • sebaxtian/tangara-pipeline

    Tangara Standalone Pipeline. Data sources are provided from Air Quality sensors in Cali, Colombia.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2300
  • steventblack/purpleprom

    Reads PurpleAir devices for measuring AQI and exports data for Prometheus consumption

  • teamsquash/mini-spies

    The Project is 'Smart Traffic Management System' aims to reduce AQI, created with the help of Algorithms, AI/ML models and Web development.

  • amolpratap-singh/Weather-Watch

    Weather-Watch is a application designed to provide access to weather data, air quality index (AQI) information, and weather forecast news. Built on Docker containers, it offers scalability and ease of deployment. Additionally, Weather-Watch features a Northbound API, allowing seamless consumption of data for various applications and services.

  • ChrisChou-freeman/aqi_app

    MacOS statusbar app for monitor air quality

  • ditorizkyka/Pollusafe-App

    Pollusafe is an Air Quality monitoring app, that provides information about the Air Quality Index in your area! The main purpose of this app is to give alert to other people in the city with their Air Quality index to avoid/decrease respiratory desease caused bad Air quality

  • JuanEcheagaray75/air-quality-analysis

    Air Quality Analysis for the metropolitan area of Monterrey, NL, MEX

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • morarez/Air-Pollution-Monitoring

    Final Project for Internet of Things Course

  • samkitsheth95/AQI_IoT

    Getting AQI in real-time using raspberry pi4 and SDS011 Sensor.

  • urbanemissions-info/AQI_bulletins

    Research on daily AQI data from CPCB bulletins for India between 2015-2023

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • carlobeni/aqi-react-app

    Uses OpenWeatherMap to show you the air quality index anywhere. But that's not all. At the heart of AQI-web, there's an autocomplete feature thanks to geoapify, making it easier to find locations. 📍✨ Ready to explore air quality? 💨🌿 AQI-web takes you on a journey, from start to finish.

  • chriseborowski/quality-air

    An interactive AQI (Air Quality Index) checker in Python. What's the air quality in your city today?

  • jishnukoliyadan/custom-AQI-calculator

    Custom Air Quality Index Calculator

  • keshav-space/aqi_monitor

    AQI Monitoring System using ESP8226, DSM501A and MQ series gas sensors

  • milan-sony/AQI

    AQI - The Air Quality Index Monitoring is build with ESP & MQ135 Sensor. Here we monitor the air quality on 0.96" I2C OLED Display and Thingspeak Server

  • narulaskaran/aqi-monitor

    Monitor local air quality

  • nirajsanghvi/purpleair_exporter

    A Prometheus extractor for PurpleAir sensor data

  • pratz222/IoT-Enabled-Mini-Pollution-Monitoring-System-with-App-Website

    The proposed system utilizes MQ135 gas sensor, DHT11 sensor, and BMP280 pressure sensor to accurately measure pollution and Air Quality Index (AQI) levels for environment monitoring. The data collected by these sensors is transmitted to Firebase (RTDB) and then it is fetched by an Android application.

  • rusyaev-dk/tashkent_air_bot

    Telegram Bot that provides up-to-date information about air quality in the city of Tashkent.

  • Technical-Inspiration-Project-Society/AIR-SOIL-QUALITY-ANALYSIS

    The area is facing high levels of air and soil pollution, posing risks to public health, ecosystems, and agriculture. Current monitoring efforts are inadequate and fail to address the link between air and soil quality.

  • visheshgupta-BA/Air-Quality-and-Covid-19-Data-Insight

    This project aims to investigate the relationship between long-term average exposure to low air quality and the risk of COVID-19 hospitalization in the United States.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • khurshiduktamov/aqi-prediction-app

    Tashkent AQI prediction app

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • shreyam-s/Q-AIR

    Designed and developed a web application that provides real-time Air Quality Index of your city. The app uses APIs to retrieve AQI data and displays it in an easy-to-read format.

  • Sojwal5/AQI-Monitoring-System

    This project presents an IoT-based Air Quality Index Monitoring System that measures indoor and outdoor harmful gases such as (NH3) using an MQ135 gas sensor and (CO) using an MQ7 sensor and Particulate Matter(PM10 ,PM2.5) Using SDS011 Sensor . The system displays air quality (PPM) on Adafruit IOT Platform facilitating easy monitoring

  • thcipriani/aqi-meter

    Air quality meter based on PMS5003 and NodeMCU

  • vs4vijay/AirSense

    Utilizing ESP32 and BME688 Sensor for Air Quality Index Determination
