
- Class of Professor JongChan Kim.

- Project : Make your own shell

- OS version : Ubuntu Linux 18.04

  • Maintain the existing shell's frame.

  • Doesn't modify the output from the shell in the existing frame.

  • In shell's prompt, user, host and cwd are showed. and they could be distinguished by their specified colors.

Supported Commands in this shell

  • [ exit ] : exit shell

  • [ cd ] : change directories

   ex> cd .. / cd [dir]
       +> if the directory doesn't exist, an error exist
  • [ ls ] : list
   ex> ls / ls -al / ls -l   etc... (every option)
    	 +> if there is no commands option, an error exist
  • [ mkdir ] : make directory
   ex> mkdir [dir], mkdir -m [dir], mkdir -v [dir] ...etc (every option) 
  • [ rmdir ] : remove directory
   ex> rmdir [dir], rmdir -p [dir], rmdir -v [dir] (every option)
  • [ rm ] : remove files or directory
   ex> rm [file], rm -f [file], rm -i [file] ...etc (every option)
  • [ mv ] : move files or directory to another directory
   ex> mv [file], mv -b [file], mv -f [file] ...etc (every option)
  • [ echo ] : print texts or input string combined " "
   ex> echo [input], echo -n [input], echo -e [with commands like \a, \v, \r, \t, \c...] ...etc (every option except *)
  • [ sleep ] : stop (sleep) the shell for a given time (input)
   ex> sleep 1s (second), sleep 1m (minute) ...etc (every option)
  • [ date ] : Today's year, month, day, day, time, etc. are printed.
   ex> date
  • [ touch ] : Initialize the timestamp of the file to the current or create a new file
   ex> touch [file], touch [file1] [file2] ...etc (support until 3 files)
  • [ chmod ] : Change the file's or directory's mode (authority)
   ex> chmod [mode] [file], chmod 777 a.out, chmod +x a.out ...etc

+ Simple command to apply creating pipe and closing pipe in shell.

  • [ pipe_write ] : using [ popen ] function with 'writing mode' and [ pclose ] to print out list of current directory. [ls -l]

  • [ pipe_read ] : using [ popen ] function with 'reading mode' and [ pclose ] to print out the date command. [date]

   ex> type [ pipe_write ] or [ pipe_read ] in the shell and check the result.