Maintain the existing shell's frame.
Doesn't modify the output from the shell in the existing frame.
In shell's prompt, user, host and cwd are showed. and they could be distinguished by their specified colors.
[ exit ] : exit shell
[ cd ] : change directories
ex> cd .. / cd [dir]
+> if the directory doesn't exist, an error exist
- [ ls ] : list
ex> ls / ls -al / ls -l etc... (every option)
+> if there is no commands option, an error exist
- [ mkdir ] : make directory
ex> mkdir [dir], mkdir -m [dir], mkdir -v [dir] ...etc (every option)
- [ rmdir ] : remove directory
ex> rmdir [dir], rmdir -p [dir], rmdir -v [dir] (every option)
- [ rm ] : remove files or directory
ex> rm [file], rm -f [file], rm -i [file] ...etc (every option)
- [ mv ] : move files or directory to another directory
ex> mv [file], mv -b [file], mv -f [file] ...etc (every option)
- [ echo ] : print texts or input string combined " "
ex> echo [input], echo -n [input], echo -e [with commands like \a, \v, \r, \t, \c...] ...etc (every option except *)
- [ sleep ] : stop (sleep) the shell for a given time (input)
ex> sleep 1s (second), sleep 1m (minute) ...etc (every option)
- [ date ] : Today's year, month, day, day, time, etc. are printed.
ex> date
- [ touch ] : Initialize the timestamp of the file to the current or create a new file
ex> touch [file], touch [file1] [file2] ...etc (support until 3 files)
- [ chmod ] : Change the file's or directory's mode (authority)
ex> chmod [mode] [file], chmod 777 a.out, chmod +x a.out ...etc
[ pipe_write ] : using [ popen ] function with 'writing mode' and [ pclose ] to print out list of current directory. [ls -l]
[ pipe_read ] : using [ popen ] function with 'reading mode' and [ pclose ] to print out the date command. [date]
ex> type [ pipe_write ] or [ pipe_read ] in the shell and check the result.