https://github.com/Kyle-ak/imu_tk https://github.com/kiyoshiiriemon/imu_tk
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libeigen3-dev freeglut3-dev gnuplot
T_sec T_nsec Acc_xyz Gyro_xyz Vel_xyz Pos_xyz Q_wxyz
d.tv_sec>>d.tv_nsec>>d.acc_x>>d.acc_y>>d.acc_z >> d.gyro_x>>d.gyro_y>>d.gyro_z>> d.vel_x>>d.vel_y>>d.vel_z
>> d.pos_x>>d.pos_y>>d.pos_z>> d.q_w>>d.q_x>>d.q_y>>d.q_z;
-d 指定数据所在文件夹
-c 用于标定的数据集文件
-o 原始数据文件经过校正后的数据文件
-i 原始数据文件
robot@robot:~/work/imu_tk$ ./bin/calib_and_correct_imufile -d ./datas/x3_3 -c record_imu_1706679864.log -o record_imu_1706679864.log.0131 -i record_imu_1706679864.log
./bin/calib_and_correct_imufile -d ./datas/r200_3 -c data.log -o data.log.rec -i data.log
ms_mat_ = mis_mat_*scale_mat_;
inline Eigen::Matrix< _T, 3 , 1> unbiasNormalize( const Eigen::Matrix< _T, 3 , 1> &raw_data ) const
return ms_mat_*(raw_data - bias_vec_);
* Triad model:
* -Misalignment matrix:
* general case:
* [ 1 -mis_yz mis_zy ]
* T = [ mis_xz 1 -mis_zx ]
* [ -mis_xy mis_yx 1 ]
* "body" frame spacial case:
* [ 1 -mis_yz mis_zy ]
* T = [ 0 1 -mis_zx ]
* [ 0 0 1 ]
* Scale matrix:
* [ s_x 0 0 ]
* K = [ 0 s_y 0 ]
* [ 0 0 s_z ]
* Bias vector:
* [ b_x ]
* B = [ b_y ]
* [ b_z ]
* Given a raw sensor reading X (e.g., the acceleration ), the calibrated "unbiased" reading X' is obtained
* X' = T*K*(X - B)
* with B the bias (variable) + offset (constant, possibbly 0), or, equivalently:
* X' = T*K*X - B'
* with B' = T*K*B
* Without knowing the value of the bias (and with offset == 0), the calibrated reading X'' is simply:
* X'' = T*K*X
python3 /home/robot/work/imu_tk/scripts/read_magnet_data.py
data.shape: (28495, 10)
python3 magnetometer/calibrate.py
self.file_path = "/home/robot/work/imu_tk/datas/r200_7/data_mag.log"
2) 结果保存在self.file_path+“.result” 文件中
python3 /home/robot/work/imu_tk/magnetometer/magnetometer_calibration.py
修改文件路径: self.file_path = "/home/robot/work/imu_tk/datas/r200_7/mag_data.log"
参考论文: Least squares ellipsoid specific fitting https://www.researchgate.net/publication/4070857_Least_squares_ellipsoid_specific_fitting
参考论文: Direct Least Square Fitting of Ellipses https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/ellipse-pami.pdf