- 1
Runtime on CCS reads
#210 opened by Lionward - 0
required "-m/--model_path"
#209 opened by KANGYUlab - 1
- 0
Error in margin phase :No valid VCF entries found!
#207 opened by kch4221 - 0
generated haplotagged BAM file
#206 opened by nikhita-damaraju - 0
Issue with docker GPU
#205 opened by martabaragli - 0
phasing between R9 and R10 data
#204 opened by Yijun-Tian - 0
Can pepper be used for short contigs?
#203 opened by zhan4429 - 0
Samples w/older guppy
#202 opened by dmjask - 1
Model for Guppy 6.5.7 SUP and/or Dorado 0.34
#193 opened by gchevignon - 0
- 1
resuming the run
#189 opened by Shruti-BioCode - 1
- 0
Joint Genotyping Recommendation
#198 opened by SophieS9 - 0
ImportError with Singularity
#196 opened by aCoalBall - 0
Root privileges
#195 opened by Meer9234 - 0
MARGIN using param file for older model
#194 opened by thainsCEB - 0
#192 opened by yneuma - 1
Installation issue with pytorch
#184 opened by noncodo - 0
HiFi_variant_calling tutorial inconsistent
#190 opened by splaisan - 1
Could not read from reference fasta file.
#188 opened by sinha-shruti - 0
Issues while trying use the singularity image
#187 opened by kiratalreja3 - 0
Deepvariant pepper settings for duplex calling
#186 opened by alvinwt - 0
KeyError: "Unable to open object (object 'predictions' doesn't exist)"
#185 opened by hannahgoldswain - 7
am I running this wrong?
#183 opened by shinlin77 - 4
Local PEPPER installation for variant calling
#179 opened by leonorpalmeira - 1
Can you make pepper available on conda, please?
#182 opened by yuukiiwa - 4
- 4
- 6
- 1
- 1
pysam not working
#170 opened by Az513 - 1
#176 opened by ElaheA90 - 3
DeepVariant Step Error: PythonNext() argument variant is not valid: Dynamic cast failed
#174 opened by weilu1998 - 1
- 1
issue in running Pepper
#173 opened by tahashmi - 4
.csi indexing when phasing
#169 opened by aguygarner - 4
ERROR: basic_string::substr
#168 opened by chilampoon - 1
optimal GPU type
#164 opened by COMInterop - 0
not producing PEPPER_HP_OUTPUT_2.vcf.gz output for sample data pepper polishing (v.04)
#177 opened by plnspineda - 1
- 3
- 3
Depth differences between r0.5 and r0.8
#166 opened by VLeducq - 2
Critical Vulnerabilities in the published Docker image
#171 opened by rberg2 - 1
Genotype quality graph always 0
#165 opened by cdebuck - 5
Setting Guppy version
#163 opened by vladimirsouza - 1
#159 opened by BrendaLee1 - 3
RefCall vs. PASS
#160 opened by yifeng-evo - 0
run error on
#162 opened by windforclouds - 2
Model training data
#158 opened by mproberts99