Solution for this rosbag2 issue which acts similarly to rosbag_snapshot
. It is added as a new package here rather than patching rosbag2
because that's how they did it in ROS 1 ;).
It subscribes to topics and maintains a buffer of recent messages like a dash cam. This is useful in live testing where unexpected events can occur which would be useful to have data on but the opportunity is missed if rosbag record
was not running (disk space limits make always running rosbag record
impracticable). Instead, users may run snapshot in the background and save data from the recent past to disk as needed.
can be configured through ROS params for more granular control. The snapshotter
command will run the buffer server and the snapshotter_client
command can be used as a client to request that the server write data to disk or freeze the buffer to preserve interesting data until a user can decide what to write.
$ ros2 run rosbag2_snapshot snapshotter
Buffer recent messages until triggered to write or trigger an already running instance.
### Example param file
default_duration_limit: 10.0 # [Optional, default=-1] Maximum time difference between newest and oldest message in seconds
default_memory_limit: 64.0 # [Optional, default=-1] Maximum memory used by messages in each topic's buffer, in MB
topics: ["/topic1", "/topic2"] # [Optional] List of topics to buffer. If empty, buffer all topics.
type: "sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix" # [Required if topic is specified] Topic type
type: "sensor_msgs/msg/Odometry"
duration: 15.0 # [Optional] Override duration limit, inherit memory limit
type: "sensor_msgs/msg/Image"
duration: 2.0 # [Optional] Override both limits
memory: -1 # Negative value means no limit
Write all buffered data to ros2 run rosbag2_snapshot snapshotter_client --ros-params -p action_type:=trigger_write
Write buffered data from selected topics to ros2 run rosbag2_snapshot snapshotter_client --ros-params -p filename:=new_lighting -p topics:=["/camera/image_raw", "/camera/camera_info"]
Write all buffered data to ros2 run rosbag2_snapshot snapshotter_client --ros-params -p filename:="/home/user/crashed_into_wall.bag"
Pause buffering of new data, holding current buffer in memory until resumed or write is triggered
ros2 run rosbag2_snapshot snapshotter_client --ros-params -p action_type:=pause
Resume buffering new data
ros2 run rosbag2_snapshot snapshotter_client --ros-params -p action_type:=resume
Call trigger service manually
$ ros2 service call /trigger_snapshot rosbag2_snapshot_msgs/srv/TriggerSnapshot "{filename: '', topics: [], start_time: {sec: 0, nanosec: 0}, stop_time: {sec: 0, nanosec: 0}}"
requester: making request: rosbag2_snapshot_msgs.srv.TriggerSnapshot_Request(filename='', topics=[], start_time=builtin_interfaces.msg.Time(sec=0, nanosec=0), stop_time=builtin_interfaces.msg.Time(sec=0, nanosec=0))
rosbag2_snapshot_msgs.srv.TriggerSnapshot_Response(success=True, message='')
Call pause/resume service manually
$ ros2 service call /enable_snapshot std_srvs/srv/SetBool "{data: false}"
requester: making request: std_srvs.srv.SetBool_Request(data=False)
std_srvs.srv.SetBool_Response(success=True, message='')