
This will hold various Dockerfiles for different bioinformatics tools in the hope to utilize for testing and pipeline building

Primary LanguageR


This will hold various Dockerfiles for different bioinformatics tools in the hope to utilize for quick testing and pipeline building

To build containers

I build the containers on my MacBook Pro M1, and I use docker buildx. Building with M1 apple chip will make some containers not work correctly on other platforms. Therefore with docker buildx I can specify multiple platforms. There may be requirements in order to use docker buildx (extra installations on your local machine). Check the docker documentation for more information. The general command to build looks like:

docker buildx build -t <name_of_container>:<tag> -t <name_of_container>:buildx-latest --platform linux/arm64/v8,linux/amd64 --push .

Where name_of_container is the name that you give the container (ex: star, nextflow, etc), and tag is just the tag you are giving this version of the container.


Some containers were build with execution on AWS in mind, therefore they have aws specific items included. Please read the READMEs of all the containers to see if there are any specifics. I tried to keep the containers as bare bones as possible (only including the tool that I'm containerizing) but for AWS some things needed to be added.