ML engineer at IC design house. Excited about machine learning, basketball and building things.
kkk324's Followers
- AlysonQTaipei,Taiwan
- antlernanaSichuan University
- ArefMq@aeguana
- chenmsac15108801910
- Connor9994
- correia-joaoPortugal
- cyberseris
- fzulxq
- hillgezgin
- josslynZcn
- ldc1786422198
- lochenchou@eavise-kul
- mengsuma
- mstraughan86Las Vegas, Nevada
- passalisAristotle University of Thessaloniki
- PommesPeter@neet-cv
- qdsangBeijing, China
- RoyzonShanghai.China
- rushiranePune
- saadmahboobPlanet Earth
- shayan-taheriGannon University
- simonlin20Taipei City
- skywzf
- WillemJan@KBNLresearch @STITCHplus
- xueryan
- xuweitj
- yokomokona
- yuju13488CMUH