
An Avid Music listener? Search your favorite artist, preview songs and build your playlist. Also, view the lyrics as the preview is played

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project One ​ Music

  • Project One
  • MusicPlus
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Development By Kelsie Langston, Josh Faison, and Tripp Parham
  • Published: Saturday January 4th 2020 ​ Configuration instructions ​ -Goto the following link to use MusicPlus: https://wilpar4813.github.io/musicPlus/ -The code is located in GitHub at the following link: https://github.com/wilpar4813/musicPlus ​ ​ Installation instructions
  • No installation necessary. Any main stream browser can be used. ​ Operating instructions
  • From the home screen, search for any artist by typing the artist's name in the search box in the top right of the screen.
  • A list of songs by the chosen artist is presented. Click desired songs, and then click add to playlist.
  • The playlist is stored in local storage and can be cleared by clicking the Clear Storage button.
  • Each song can be played by clicking the play symbol to the right of the song name in the playlist.
  • Once a song is selected or it is played from the playlist, the lyrics are displayed in the lyrics box in the bottom right of the webpage. ​ ​ List of files included in the following structure
  • README.md (Read for information on site development)
  • FORME.md (Development use only)
  • index.html
  • script.js
  • lyrix.js
  • assets folder
    • img folder
      • searchIcon.png
  • develop folder
    • flexboxgrid.min.css
    • style.css

Copyright and licensing information ​ -All lyrics and songs are Copyright protected and it is illegal to use them for commercial use. -Copyright MusixMatch.com https://developer.musixmatch.com/ https://playground.musixmatch.com/#/Subtitle ​ Search icon by: https://www.iconsdb.com/black-icons/search-13-icon.html ​ ​ Contact information for the distributor or programmer ​ Contact Tripp Parham to report issues or comments at email: tripp.parham@me.comKnown bugs[0] ​ ​ ​ Troubleshooting[5]

  • The correct songs are displayed when artist is entered.
  • If the artist is not in the database a message is displayed.
  • When a song is selected, it is correctly added to the playlist.
  • The playlist correctly clears when the Clear Playlist button is clicked.
  • Lyrics correctly display when song is selected from song list or playlist ​ ​ Credits and acknowledgments ​ Special thanks to the Zack Rickards and the TA's at the UNC Coding Bootcamp. They are an awesome team.:-) ​ Change LogSite Updates ​ -Verion 1.0.0 Released Saturday January 4th, 2020