Simulation of autonomous car with CoppeliaSim Robot Simulator and Python.
- Camera (512 x 256 px)
- Compass
- 6 distance sensors
- Lidar
- Ackerman steering
- Position lamps
- Stop lights
- Reversing lights
- Avaryune lights
- Turn signals
Simplified, but huge map with building, pavements, parkings and so on. The car is able to follow a predetermined route between a series of specified points, even backwards. Algorithm A* has been used to find shortest path.
Standard crossings and roundabouts. Car is able to move properly through each of them. The car correctly lets off the turn signals when it passes through.
Standard signs and traffic lights. Car is recognizing them with neural network and reacting for some of them.
- Install Python dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Use Coppelia Sim 4.1.0
- Łukasz Klimkiewicz (klima7)
- Mateusz Majewski (majewskimateusz)
- Mikołaj Imbor (1mbir)