- Language: Java
- Framework: Spring Boot
- Database: MySQL
- Endpoint: POST /api/v1/cart/add
- Description: This endpoint allows users to add an item to their cart.
- Request Body:
- Item details (e.g., productId, quantity)
- Response: Returns the updated cart with the added item.
- Endpoint: DELETE /api/v1/cart/delete/{cartItemId}
- Description: This endpoint enables users to delete an item from their cart.
- Path Parameter:
- cartItemId: ID of the item to be deleted
- Response: Returns the updated cart after removing the item.
- Endpoint: GET /api/v1/cart/getItem
- Description: Retrieves a list of all items in the user's cart.
- Response: Returns a list of cart items.
- Endpoint: GET /api/v1/category/categoryList
- Description: This endpoint retrieves a list of all available categories.
- Response: Returns a list of categories.
- Endpoint: POST /api/v1/category/create
- Description: This endpoint allows the creation of a new category.
- Request Body:
- Category details (e.g., name, description)
- Response: Returns the created category.
- Endpoint: PUT /api/v1/category/update/{categoryId}
- Description: This endpoint updates an existing category.
- Path Parameter:
- categoryId: ID of the category to be updated
- Request Body:
- Updated category details (e.g., name, description)
- Response: Returns the updated category.
- Endpoint: POST /api/v1/product/addProduct
- Description: This endpoint creates a new product.
- Request Body:
- Product details (e.g., name, price, categoryId)
- Response: Returns the created product.
- Endpoint: GET /api/v1/product/getAllProduct
- Description: Retrieves a list of all available products.
- Response: Returns a list of products.
- Endpoint: PUT /api/v1/product/updateProduct/{productId}
- Description: This endpoint updates an existing product.
- Path Parameter:
- productId: ID of the product to be updated
- Request Body:
- Updated product details (e.g., name, price, categoryId)
- Response: Returns the updated product.
- Endpoint: POST /api/v1/user/signin
- Description: Authenticates a user and generates an access token.
- Request Body:
- User credentials (e.g., username, password)
- Response: Returns the access token.
- Endpoint: POST /api/v1/user/signup
- Description: Registers a new user.
- Request Body:
- User details (e.g., username, email, password)
- Response: Returns the created user.
- Endpoint: POST /api/v1/wishlist/addToWishList
- Description: Adds an item to the user's wishlist.
- Request Body:
- Item details (e.g., productId, userId)
- Response: Returns the updated wishlist.
- Endpoint: GET /api/v1/wishlist/getWishListItem/{token}
- Description: Retrieves the user's wishlist items.
- Path Parameter:
- token: User's access token
- Response: Returns a list of wishlist items.