
ROS package navigation to Pioneer P3-DX

Primary LanguagePython


ROS package navigation to Pioneer P3-DX


  • Clone the package folder

      $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
      $ git clone https://github.com/LCAD-UFES/p3dx_navigation.git
      $ cd ..
      $ catkin_make
  • Install rosaria

      $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
      $ git clone https://github.com/amor-ros-pkg/rosaria.git
      $  cd ..
      $ catkin_make
  • Install sicktoolbox-wrapper

      $ sudo apt-get install ros-{version}-sicktoolbox-wrapper


To run simulation

	$ roslaunch p3dx_navigation simulation.launch

and another terminal

	$ roslaunch p3dx_navigation move_base_gazebo.launch

Real robot

  1. Connect the pioneer in USB port, then the laser sick.

  2. Open 3 terminal

     $ sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB*
     $ roslaunch p3dx_navigation pioneer.launch
     $ roslaunch p3dx_navigation rviz_p3dx.launch
     $ roslaunch p3dx_navigation move_base_rosaria.launch

Learn more about using the ROS navigation stack at http://wiki.ros.org/navigation