
Chat Rooms made in Unity3D.

Primary LanguageC#


Goal of this application is to learn a bit more of networking in Unity and provide a chance to chat with another people in this.


I want to learn more about Networking in Unity, so i'm doing this simple application which i hope will be good additional feature in every multiplayer game.

UNET - ChatRooms UNET

ChatRooms done in UNET.


  • Color information that someone has joined a server.
    • Done by RichText, with murkup tags in the text. More here : StyledText


  • Remove all transforms from code (challenge).
  • Silencing somebody
  • Emotes
  • Bbcodes
  • TimeOut message
  • Update to Unity 2018.3 and next
  • Update visuals

Remember this will NOT WORK after Unity 2018, because Unity team is updating UNET. If i got time and knowledge how it shoud be updated i will change for new UNET.

UNET - ChatRooms PHOTON2

Cause Unity team are taking huge amount of time to think about what they want to do with UNET i decided to give a chance to Photon2. I will be using tutorials by InfoGamer.


  • LEARN!