Integration between Knative and service-apis (ingress v2) for Knative Ingress migration.
- 1
ReferenceGrant %s not owned by this object
#779 opened by divanikus - 0
Probing wrong protocol & port
#773 opened by joke - 4
Failed Contour Gateway Test - GKE issue
#708 opened by dprotaso - 5
Contour External has ExternalName Services Support
#638 opened by dprotaso - 1
Probing shouldn't be implementation specific
#663 opened by dprotaso - 13
[cilium] It is not accessible unless helloworld-go-00001.default.svc.cluster.local
#717 opened by kahirokunn - 7
- 1
- 1
allow custom ports to be probed when gateway-config.visibility does not provide a Service
#695 opened by KauzClay - 10
Add cilium to conformance testing
#553 opened by acelinkio - 4
Add envoy gateway to testing suite
#566 opened by dprotaso - 2
Generate HTTPRoute sectionName to select listener
#610 opened by acelinkio - 1
Contour is not disabling timeouts
#711 opened by dprotaso - 1
net-gateway-api doesn't validate config-gateway
#702 opened by dprotaso - 1
Update to Gateway v1 APIs
#687 opened by dprotaso - 2
Not all Gateways have a local K8s Service
#665 opened by dprotaso - 2
Create an opinionated Gateway Conformance Test
#621 opened by dprotaso - 1
Contour continuous tests are flakey
#667 opened by dprotaso - 1
Find a generic way for matching the port by the endpoint lister instead of port name
#668 opened by nader-ziada - 10
Please support gRPC Service
#402 opened by kahirokunn - 3
Support system-internal-tls in net-gateway-api
#450 opened by ReToCode - 4
- 4
[Upstream] Better management of `Spec.Listeners`
#363 opened by carlisia - 4
[Upstream] Enable > 2k TLS Services
#368 opened by carlisia - 4
KIngress e2e conformance test checklist for Istio
#383 opened by carlisia - 9
KIngress conformance test checklist for Contour
#384 opened by carlisia - 1
Contour continuous tests are pretty flakey
#639 opened by dprotaso - 3
- 8
- 5
Figure out gateway features are behind flags for the last couple Istio releases and enable them
#361 opened by carlisia - 6
Figure out gateway features are behind flags for the last couple Contour releases and enable them
#360 opened by carlisia - 0
Bump Contour
#622 opened by dprotaso - 0
Bump e2e cluster version to 1.28
#623 opened by dprotaso - 0
Drop replace block
#615 opened by dprotaso - 0
Bump min k8s version to v1.27
#588 opened by dprotaso - 0
- 5
- 10
Do not use contour-operator
#495 opened by nak3 - 2
Bump Contour to v1.26
#536 opened by dprotaso - 2
Add HostRewrite Support
#533 opened by dprotaso - 0
Bump Gateway API to v0.8.1
#535 opened by dprotaso - 0
Bump Istio to v1.19
#537 opened by dprotaso - 0
Bump Kind and Go in our GitHub Actions
#538 opened by dprotaso - 6
I currently want to make the service to be exposed so that `80 -> 443 -> https` automatically with TLS Termination at Gateway level. However I couldn't able to do anything with `config-networking`, `config-gateway`, `config-domain`.
#477 opened by dprotaso - 2
Document on about installing via Gateway -
#370 opened by carlisia - 7
[Upstream] If readiness is signalled via. status does it properly implement observeredGeneration
#364 opened by carlisia - 3
[Upstream] Contour solution for h2c and websocket
#366 opened by carlisia - 2
Implement Prober that uses gateway api -
#365 opened by carlisia - 1
Address code review requests from
#371 opened by carlisia - 1
Update Istio Version
#362 opened by carlisia