
R package for markdown lab notebook tools

Primary LanguageR

# Labtools

Lab tools is a R package currently under development to aid in the creation and maintenance of research notebooks. 
By leveraging the functionality of `knitr`, `git`, and the Bootstrap web framework, this package allows for efficient creation of HTML lab notebooks from notes in Rmd files. 
This facilitates reproducible, version controlled, easily shared research notes/analyses on all major operating systems using free, open source software. 

Currently, the primary focuses are:

* Functions to create a standardized rmarkdown notebook template that can be "built" into a website simply by following a specified folder structure and naming convention (inspired by [Noble 2009](http://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000424#pcbi-1000424-g001)).
* Functions to create rmarkdown "recipes" for typical molecular biology laboratory techniques (e.g. PCR and dilutions)
* Functions to parse the file formats returned by laboratory equipment (e.g. nanodrop and qubit, etc)

## Installation

Labtools is an R package available on GitHub, so it can be installed from the RStudio console or an R command line session using the `devtools` command `install_github`.
First, make sure `devtools` is installed:

```{r, eval=FALSE}

Next, install the package from GitHub by entering:

```{r, eval=FALSE}

The package should now be installed and can be loaded using:

```{r, eval=FALSE}

## Basic usage

### Make a new notebook

To start a new lab notebook type:

```{r, eval=FALSE}

This will create a new lab notebook template in the current working directory with a generic name. 
The `name` and `location` options can be used to specify where to make the notebook and what to call it. 
For example,

```{r, eval=FALSE}
new_notebook(location = "~", name = "ideas")

will create a notebook called "ideas" in the users home directory. 

Unless the `open` option is set to `FALSE` the new notebook will be automatically opened in a new window of RStudio. 

### Adding a note

Individual notes are folders withing the `content` directory of a notebook.
They must be named with the date in the format `yyyy_mm_dd-` followed by a `-` deliminated hierarchical classification. 
An example of a note folder name is `2015_02_23-bioinformatics-experiment_1-results`. 
When the notebook is rendered into a website, this note's content will be accessible via a hierarchical dropdown menu under `bioinformatics` > `experiment_1` > `results`.

Although it works to make new notes manually, the `new_note` function can be used to make note templates within an existing notebook that follow this syntax.
If the current working directory is a notebook or one of its sub directories, you can make the above example with `new_note` by typing:

```{r, eval=FALSE}
new_note("bioinformatics", "experiment_1", "results")

This will create a new note template in the correct format under the `content` folder and open any .Rmd files initialized for editing in RStudio.

The `templates` folder of the notebook contains note templates that can be specified via the `template` option of `new_note`.
A single template called `default` is included in the package and is used when the `template` option is not specified. 
You are encouraged to change the `default` template and make other ones. 
For example, if you created a template in the `templates` directory of the notebook called "bioinfo_pipeline", you could initialize a new note with it by typing:
```{r, eval=FALSE}
new_note("bioinformatics", "experiment_1", "results", template = "bioinfo_pipeline")

### Rendering the website

To render a notebook into a website, open the notebook in RStudio and press `Ctrl` + `Shift` + `B` or press the `Build and Reload` menu item under `Build`.