
Knave's C_onfigured L_inux U_sing B_spwm (dotfiles for my workspace)

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Knave's C.L.U.B.

Knaveightt's Configured Linux Using Bspwm, my dotfiles for what I consider the core of my linux configuration.


These are my dotfiles for what I consider the core of my linux workstation, using the bspwm window manager. I will list out and maintain the configuration files for the core scripts and applications for this setup, and I loosley plan on writing some sort of deployment script for a (more) easy installation to other systems as well.

Usage Info

Typically, if I am setting up a workstation from scratch to use this core environment, I will first and foremost make sure I have a working default X instance and working internet to download packages. Number one priority is an updated base installation with a working internet connection. Once there, I start to setup the vanilla graphical session with X and a WM.

For example on Void Linux, I will ensure I have installed xorg, xinit, bspwm, sxhkd, and xterm. I will confirm the following:

  • I copied over the default config files for bspwm/sxhkd
  • I quickly update sxhkd to call xterm for a temporary terminal solution
  • I copy over the default xinitrc, and edit it to launch bspwm
  • Give startx a go!

Once there, I will typically install and configure git so I can get the latest version of this repository to guide me through configuration. Then, I'll try to setup my build of st, and have my working configuration of neovim. After getting those installed and configured, this is typically the first good stage to confirm I am comfortable with my colorscheme choices, and edit my Xresources file appropriately. Lastly I'll install my build of dmenu before setting up the rest of my foundational programs.

At this point I now begin to incorporate my bwpwm and sxhkd settings from this repository. This does mean downloading of some extra packages that are called from my bspwm script:

  • dunst
  • nitrogen
  • bsp-layout (get latest from github)

I'll comment out and hold off installing the bar and system tray at the moment. To make this work however, I'll also bring in my scripts to the .local/bin folder, and my bashrc / profile scripts. To make my scripts work, the following are required:

  • xbacklight
  • xtitle
  • nvimpager
  • neofetch
  • starship (plus use the config file in this repository)
  • Note, you will need to enable users to run /bin/shutdown using sudo w/o passwd

Once comfortable with the above, I'll then work on getting my bar setup, as well as the system tray. To make my bar work, the following are required:

  • make sure the necessary fonts have been installed
  • acpi
  • htop
  • xprop
  • lemonbar-xft
  • trayer-srg
  • NetworkManager, network-manager-applet (make sure you disable dhcpcd, wpa_supplicant and enable NetworkManager service, plus ensure dbus is installed and enabled as well as polkit) This is also a second good place to make sure I am comfortable with my theme and colors.

Once Here, I'll make sure i am comfortable with power managemnet (via acpi), and have a screenlocking mechanism (xscreensaver)

The rest of this section is TBD Still to plan for includes:

  • power management (thinking of powerkit/xscreensaver)
  • shutdown/logout/locking management (thinking of powerkit/xscreensaver)
  • any dependencies for the bash prompt / bashrc scripts
  • other general configuration items like
    • visudo file updates to allow shutdown without password
    • system logging
    • anything else in the void linux configuration handbook


Here I will list out the core applications that are used in this configuration setup. This repo is a work in progress, so I will update the table below as I go.


Function Application Configuration Status Hard Dependency Config Depdendency
Window manager bspwm Complete None {sxhkd,dunst,lemonbar,trayer},xrdb,nitrogen
Hotkey setup sxhkd 50% Complete None [kc-logout,kc-windows,kc-brightness],{st,nvim,dmenu},lightdm,firefox,xfce4-appfinder,lfrun,thunar,weechat,kvirc
Terminal st Complete None (see repository)
Editor neovim Complete None (see repository)
Launcher dmenu Complete None (see repository)
Notifications dunst Complete
Bar lemonbar Complete
System Tray trayer Complete
Screen Lock xscreensaver Not Started

Terminal Applications

Function Application Configuration Status
File Explorer lf Not started
IRC weechat Not Started
Email neomutt Not Started

GUI Applications (for launching via hotkeys)

Function Application Configuration Status
Web Browser firefox Complete
File Explorer pcmanfm Complete, uses gvfs, udisks2
IRC Chat kvirc Complete
Email Client thunderbird Not started

Utility Scripts

Function Script Name Configuration Status
Shutdown Script kc-logout Complete
Reload Config kc-reload Complete
Window Switch kc-windows Complete
Reload WM/Key/Bar Menu kc-reload Not started
Configuration File Browser kc-configs Not started
Emoji Viewer kc-emojis Not started
Clipboard Viewer kc-clip-view Not started
Bookmark Viewer kc-bookmarks Not Started

Hotkeys Configured

Here is a list of hotkeys for this window manager configuration. Each key assumes the mod key is also pressed as well.

  • Escape launch Shutdown script

  • Enter launch terminal

  • CTRL+r reload WM script (reload BSPWM or reload SXHKD)

  • q Quit/Kill window, Q reserved for volume control

  • w list windows script, W GUI Web Browser (Firefox)

  • e terminal file explorer (lf), E GUI File Explorer (pcmanfm)

  • r terminal IRC (weechat), R GUI IRC (KVIRC)

  • t terminal email (neomutt), T GUI Email Client (Thunderbird)

  • a application launcher, A launch auto-configured set of applications (TBD)

  • s search in Web, S sticky current window

  • d toggle tiling mode (tiled,monacle), D or CTRL+D cycle to the next or prev node/window

  • f toggle fullscreen window, F toggle floating window

  • z go back to previous focused window, Z lock screen

  • x execute command (dmenu_run), X launch xkill

  • c launch Emoji Viewer, C launch Configuration File Browser

  • v launch Clipboard Viewer, V clear clipboard history

  • b launch Bookmark Explorer, B toggle bar visibility

  • n launch seperate Neovim window


Just posting some lemonbar links as I am highly interested in taking a minimal approach and using lemonbar + trayer as my status bar.

Also, there are things I will want to remember to document in this repo:

  • Any additional programs that are referenced in my scripts or configs
  • How I choose to theme programs that are not directly themed by these configs including
    • any GTK / QT theming
    • Special note for QT theming, I found these steps for making sure QT follows the GTK2 theme. I had to:
      • install qt5ct and qt5-styleplugins
      • update /etc/enviornment by adding QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct
      • Use qt5ct to set the theme to GTK, and lxappearance to set the GTK theme
  • Profile specific files like
    • .bashrc
    • .Xresources

This is where the dependency is for the git prompt in bash:

These links helped me to get sound working on my chromebook: