
Google Drive file uploader for ROS: This package is moved to [jsk_3rdparty](https://github.com/jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_3rdparty/tree/master/gdrive_ros)

Primary LanguagePython

This package is moved to jsk_3rdparty


GitHub version Build Status

Google Drive file uploader for ROS


Setup and build workspace

cd ~
mkdir gdrive_ws/src -p
cd gdrive_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/knorth55/gdrive_ros.git
rosdep install --ignore-src -from-paths . -y -r -i
cd ~/gdrive_ws
catkin build

Authentication for Google Drive API

Please follow here.

Create your settings yaml

Please follow here.

My settings yaml is as follows;

client_config_file: /your/client/secrets/json/path
save_credentials: True
save_credentials_backend: file
save_credentials_file: /your/credentials/json/path
get_refresh_token: True
  - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file


Run server

export GOOGLE_DRIVE_SETTINGS_YAML=/your/settings/yaml/path
roslaunch gdrive_ros gdrive_server.launch

Call upload service

# single upload
rosservice call /gdrive_ros/upload ...
# multiple upload
rosservice call /gdrive_ros/upload_multi ...


  • ~settings_yaml (string, default: None`)

    • PyDrive settings yaml path
  • ~share_type (string, default: anyone)

    • Uploaded file share type
  • ~share_value (string, default: anyone)

    • Uploaded file share value
  • ~share_role (string, default: reader)

    • Uploaded file share role
  • ~share_with_link (bool, default: true)

    • Uploaded file share with link or not



This service is for uploading single file in same Google Drive folder.


  • file_path (string, default: '')

    • Uploaded file path
  • file_title (string: default: file_path.split('/')[-1])

    • Uploaded file title in Google Drive
  • parents_path (string, default: '')

    • Parents path in Google Drive splitted by /
  • parents_id (string, default: '')

    • Parents id in Google Drive

    • If both parents_path and parents_id are set , parents_id will be used.

  • use_timestamp_folder (bool, default: false)

    • Use timestamp folder to upload

    • Uploaded file will be saved in file_path/timestamp folder.

  • use_timestamp_file_title (bool, default: false)

    • Use timestamp for file_title

    • Uploaded file will be save as {}_{}.format(timestamp file_title).


  • success (bool)

    • Upload succeeded or not
  • file_id (string)

    • Uploaded file id in Google Drive
  • file_url (string)

    • Uploaded file url in Google Drive
  • parents_id (string)

    • Parents folder id of uploaded file in Google Drive
  • parents_url (string)

    • Parents folder url of uploaded file in Google Drive


This service is for uploading multiple files in same Google Drive folder.


  • file_paths (string[], default: [])

    • Uploaded file paths
  • file_titles (string[]: default: [f for f in file_paths.split('/')[-1]])

    • Uploaded file titles in Google Drive
  • parents_path (string, default: '')

    • Parents path in Google Drive splitted by /
  • parents_id (string, default: '')

    • Parents id in Google Drive

    • If both parents_path and parents_id are set , parents_id will be used.

  • use_timestamp_folder (bool, default: false)

    • Use timestamp folder to upload

    • Uploaded file will be saved in file_path/timestamp folder.

  • use_timestamp_file_title (bool, default: false)

    • Use timestamp for file_title

    • Uploaded file will be save as {}_{}.format(timestamp file_title).


  • successes (bool[])

    • Upload succeeded or not
  • file_ids (string[])

    • Uploaded file ids in Google Drive
  • file_urls (string[])

    • Uploaded file urls in Google Drive
  • parents_id (string)

    • Parents folder id of uploaded file in Google Drive
  • parents_url (string)

    • Parents folder url of uploaded file in Google Drive