Pinned issues
- 1
Will it be upgraded to Swift5.2?
#920 opened by RayZhao1998 - 1
LRUCache does not compile with newer Swift
#964 opened by rainbowcardiod - 1
Tried Kmeans algo, got poor performance on obvious clusters (screenshot attached)
#983 opened by Nomia - 11
Queue Optimized - dequeu is not O(1)
#989 opened by chipbk10 - 1
Array2D - Enhance to include ability to create 2D array using either [col][row] or [row][col] subscripting.
#991 opened by l-rettberg - 1
[Question] Translation to pt-br
#992 opened by amadeu01 - 1
CombSorting failed to sort correctly
#1011 opened by zhaoyuyu - 1
#1021 opened by MillerApps - 1
Implement BinomialHeap
#1020 opened by christianYoopies - 0
Can the Convex Hull Be Simplified
#1005 opened by chitgoks - 1
Swift algorithm
#1003 opened by akshayitccdigital - 1
Swift algorithm
#1001 opened by ser8888 - 0
There are some mistakes with the README.markdown and Selection Sampling code improvement
#998 opened by efemazlumoglu - 0
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- 0
Wrong comment in line 82 in Bloom algorithm
#986 opened by ch00ch00ch00 - 2
Bug in KMeans
#913 opened by wandonye - 1
K-means algo error: use of unresolved identifier Vector
#982 opened by Nomia - 1
LinkedList Get Last Node Cost NOT O(1) Time.
#980 opened by beta-yu - 0
Minimax with alpha-beta prunning
#975 opened by michalnowak061 - 3
Efficiency of LinkedList.count
#974 opened by MattGeimer - 0
- 0
Octree minimumCellSize not used?
#968 opened by dcooley - 3
- 0
Any way to reverse Linklist output in Swift
#962 opened by ashishsme14 - 0
BFS and Shortest path, test with 2D array
#960 opened by netgfx - 0
Discussing Sub-optimal Solutions To Puzzles
#959 opened by rpstro02 - 1
Lack of Count Occurrences Algorithm
#947 opened by ialimz - 0
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New guidelines
#944 opened by kelvinlauKL - 0
Error in Least Common Multiple algorithm
#943 opened by gkwaerp - 0
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Fizz Buzz: Update to 1) add guard, 2) use .isMultiple(of:) and 3) Switch for improved readability
#931 opened by l-rettberg - 0
Swift Algorithm
#927 opened by sevilgurkan - 0
Error in Boyer-Moore string search
#921 opened by vades79 - 0
- 0
Use of undeclared type 'KeyValuePair'
#917 opened by Ryeagler - 1
Linked List insert method doesn't update tail
#915 opened by ilqarilyasov - 0
Topics Wishlist
#911 opened by kelvinlauKL - 1
Create a Swift Benchmark from BucketSort
#863 opened by rajbarik - 4
- 1
Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm
#874 opened by iWeslie - 1
The Raft Consensus Algorithm
#876 opened - 2
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Performance for this function should be O(n)
#893 opened by antonio081014 - 0
Red Black Tree algorithm
#903 opened by fewlinesofcode - 4
Insertion Sort faster than Merge Sort
#889 opened by nickm01 - 0
Another version of classic KMP algorithm
#873 opened by iWeslie - 2
Permission denied
#871 opened by Priyanka- - 1