
🖥️ Adds Widescreen + Full-Window modes to ChatGPT

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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ChatGPT Widescreen Mode adds widescreen + full-window modes to ChatGPT, so you can enjoy more content unhindered by unnecessary scrolling, thus enhancing your pleasure.



Browser extension:

  1. Install ChatGPT Widescreen Mode extension (Chrome, Edge)

  2. Visit chat.openai.com as normal & mode toggles are added to chatbar!

Pro tip: For easier access to extension toggles, (1) click in the browser's toolbar, (2) then next to extension name.

image image

Greasemonkey userscript:

  1. Install Tampermonkey (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera) or Violentmonkey (Chrome, Firefox, Edge)

  2. Install ChatGPT Widescreen Mode userscript (will load in userscript manager installed above)

  3. Visit chat.openai.com as normal & mode toggles are added to chatbar!

Full-Window toggle

NOTE: Since full-window mode hides the sidebar, press '+' to start new chats



ChatGPT Widescreen Mode relies on code from the powerful chatgpt.js library (c) 2023 Adam Lui, chatgpt.js & contributors under the MIT license.


ChatGPT Widescreen Mode is compatible w/ the following browsers:

If you've tested the userscript to work in a browser not listed above, simply create a pull request to become a contributor!

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Contributor links

Follow @adamlui on GitHub Follow @adamluitube on YouTube Follow @adam on Mastodon Follow @adamllui on Twitter Follow @XiaoYingYo on GitHub

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For even more epic ChatGPT apps, go here: https://github.com/adamlui/chatgpt-apps

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