
Documentation for the cellxgene product

MIT LicenseMIT


cellxgene explorer

Introduction to cellxgene

Cellxgene enables scientists to annotate, publish, find, download, explore and analyze single cell datasets. Cellxgene has two offerings (which both give you access to the cellxgene explorer):

  • The cellxgene Data Portal - a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform to publish, find, download, and explore single cell data. Enables you to explore yours and other authors' publication ready data.
  • cellxgene Desktop - a PyPI package to explore and annotate single cell datasets. Enables you to privately explore single cell data.

Use cases

Task Quick Start Application
Analyze & Annotate Private Data

Install cellxgene

Download an example dataset

Learn how to analyze and annotate with cellxgene

cellxgene Desktop
Share & Analyze Private Datasets Learn how to host cellxgene Desktop Explorer cellxgene Desktop
Publish Datasets In pre-alpha testing. Contact cellxgene@chanzuckerberg.com to learn more Data Portal
Find Public Datasets Finding data Data Portal
Download Datasets Downloading data Data Portal
Explore & Analyze Public Datasets Exploring data Data Portal

Learn more

The cellxgene documentation has the following major sections:

Section Purpose
Data Portal How to use the Data Portal.
cellxgene Desktop How to prepare data and install or host the cellxgene Desktop.
Explore Data The Data Portal and cellxgene Desktop have similar UIs and features; This section describes how to use both tools to explore data.
Contribute How to contribute to the cellxgene project.
Community Extensions cellxgene is MIT licensed, and free to reuse. See how our user community has extended cellxgene.
Code Links to the github repositories containing cellxgene Desktop and Data Portal Code.
Contact Us How to get in touch with the cellxgene team to give us feedback, make feature requests, or file bugs.