
`monocular_people_tracking_node.cpp`: All detected persons are not valid. Won't transition (update) from InitialState to InittialTrainingState

kevin-chau opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm testing monocular person following on the AGX Orin. The webcam and pose estimation seem to be working but it's stuck in the initial state and will not train. I have a full view of my neck and both ankles.


So far all I've been able to figure out is that it thinks every person returned by people_tracker->get_people() is invalid. It's failing this check in create_msgs() in monocular_people_tracking_node.cpp:


I haven't been able to get a single valid person. I am running on an AGX Orin with CUDA 11.4, tensorflow 1.15.5 (NVIDIA CUDA build), tf-pose 0.1.1. I am able to build everything with catkin_make and no compilation errors.

@koide3 Any suggestions on why all the people detections are invalid? All I can see is that the correction_count() is not greater than validation_correction_count. Thank you so much for your great work on this project!

There are two warnings that stick out to me. One is for the webcam conversion:

The other is this ARM64 not supporting NUMA error. I'm not sure what NUMA is.


The last thing is that my webcam has a resolution of 768x480.

I'm not sure if any of these factors would effect the tracking algorithm.