
Vulkan playground

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Vulkan playground

My personal SDL2 stub project with 6DOF WASD camera for Vulkan experiments. Targetted at VS2015 development. Basic math functionality and simple debug overlay (FPS counter) included.

This is a download-and-get-running-asap type of a project for your quick development pleasure.

Building on Linux and MacOS

Assuming that the Vulkan SDK is already downloaded and properly set up on your target platform:

  • set the VULKAN_SDK environment variable pointing to the location of downloaded Vulkan SDK
  • download and install SDL2 (libsdl2-dev 2.0.7 or higher for Linux, SDL2.framework 2.0.8 or higher for MacOS)
  • run the Makefile (Linux) or XCode project (MacOS) to build the application