
Split Sensitive Read Counter

Primary LanguagePerl

#### INFO

SSRC - counts mapped reads for given annotation file

counts splitted reads only once
counts strand specific
counts on exons or whole genes
calculates TPM values


All libraries and tools will be installed locally without root permissions
To remove SSRC completely, just delete the installation directory

# Download latest SSRC
wget https://github.com/rna-hta-jena/ssrc/archive/master.zip
# Extract library
unzip master.zip
# Enter extracted directory
cd ssrc-master
# Set programs installation path
export PROGRAMS=$HOME/programs/
# install samtools
bash install_samtools.sh
# export samtools installation for Perl Module installation
export SAMTOOLS=$PROGRAMS/samtools-0.1.19
# Set module installation path
export MODINSTALL=$HOME/perl5
# Tell Perl where to find modules
# Make this permanent
echo 'export PERL5LIB='$PERL5LIB >> $HOME/.bashrc
# Start installation
./cpanm -l $MODINSTALL .
# copy scripts to programs directory
cp *.pl $PROGRAMS

#### RUN

perl Split_senstive_read_counter.pl -h


Konstantin Riege
Chair of Bioinformatics
High Throughput Analysis
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena