A collection repository of Warhammer 40k faction indices. These .txt files can be imported into the popular web application UnitCrunch where you can simulate your chances of vaporizing a band of Orks or tickling a Dreadnought.
- adrpadua@microsoft
- BorgerodA.Borgerød
- ChaoSweeperXylem
- devynspencerOregon
- dixhuitUnited Kingdom
- eMarchenkoPessimistic
- gablorquetQuébec, QC, Canada
- henrygerardmoorePickNik Robotics
- itsacoyote@matter-labs
- jakedavidsonMONEY
- jeherrera
- joelStod
- korzxd
- LupineZachBelleville, IL
- Matt-Neis
- maxseidlerBerlin
- mnowakPoznań
- MrAltF4
- nathanjdSeattle, WA
- serafinialessioData Reply IT srl
- snake117Michigan, USA
- Sticksman
- super-salad
- valbacaSeattle, WA