🎓BSc/MSc at Computer Engineering from University Of Patras. Working as a Junior Web Developer at Deloitte 🟢
Pinned Repositories
🎦 Video Call Web App called BurnerChat. Completely safe and private video call using of unique call ID that you send to a peer and do a 1-to-1 call. Made with nodeJS + Express + ReactJS + MaterialUI + WebRTC + Socket.io
:computer: Website template for a creative web agency that displays a homepage, services page, work/projects page and a contact page. Made in HTML5 + CSS + Vanilla JS
🥤 Creative Juice is an online platform that connects creative people and allows them to exchange knowledge and ideas online or face-to-face over coffee. Made with Vite + Vue 3 + Supabase + Bootstrap 5 + GSAP.
🤝 A small (1.8 kB) and comprehensive AJAX Library.
🧙♂️ MERN stack website (MongoDB + Express + React + NodeJS) that operates as a Crowdsourcing platform and allows users to upload, analyze and process their HAR Files (HTTP Archives)
:game_die: Liar's Dice Game developed in Python
📅 Personal Dashboard with Notes, Calendar, Favorite Links, Kanban Board, Pomodoro Timer and Spotify Playlist that you can re-arrange them with drag-and-drop. Made with Vite + Vue 3 + Pinia + particles.js + vuedraggable
📻 3D Website that works as a landing page and an online radio with an embedded Spotify Playlist. Made with GSAP, ScrollTrigger and particles.js
✨ sqky is a "squeaky clean" CSS library for elegant and efficient UIs made with SASS. sqky also provides the ability for classless HTML based on a premade, clean and responsive stylesheet.
📝 Submito is a web app designed to manage form submissions. It provides users with the ability to generate unique endpoints for form submissions, apply the endpoint as the action attribute in any HTML Form tag and then view the submissions in a dashboard. Made with Vue.js, Pinia, Express.js and PostgreSQL.
kostastepetes's Repositories
🎦 Video Call Web App called BurnerChat. Completely safe and private video call using of unique call ID that you send to a peer and do a 1-to-1 call. Made with nodeJS + Express + ReactJS + MaterialUI + WebRTC + Socket.io
📻 3D Website that works as a landing page and an online radio with an embedded Spotify Playlist. Made with GSAP, ScrollTrigger and particles.js
🍅 Pomodoro Timer + Task Manager Web App made with React.JS
✨ sqky is a "squeaky clean" CSS library for elegant and efficient UIs made with SASS. sqky also provides the ability for classless HTML based on a premade, clean and responsive stylesheet.
:potable_water: A simple web app that reminds you to drink water. Made in HTML5 + CSS + Vanilla JS
🏎 Web App that tests your reaction time and compares it to that of an average F1 Driver. Made in Vue.js
📅 Personal Dashboard with Notes, Calendar, Favorite Links, Kanban Board, Pomodoro Timer and Spotify Playlist that you can re-arrange them with drag-and-drop. Made with Vite + Vue 3 + Pinia + particles.js + vuedraggable
Personal Portfolio using Vite + Vue 3 and pure CSS
🔗 The fast & simple approach on how to build your own API using Express.js
🟩 BoilerVue is an Atomic Design System for Vue.js
🥤 Creative Juice is an online platform that connects creative people and allows them to exchange knowledge and ideas online or face-to-face over coffee. Made with Vite + Vue 3 + Supabase + Bootstrap 5 + GSAP.
✏ Crowdsourced collection of design resources and theory materials for design enthusiasts and professionals alike. Made with Nuxt.js and used Notion as a CMS via the 'vue-notion' library.
🖋 elegant. is a slick, simple and clean Design System that can be used as a SASS/CSS boilerplate template for your next project.
🤝 A small (1.8 kB) and comprehensive AJAX Library.
Landing Page for the Sheltered Video Call & Chatting System. Made with Vue.js & TailwindCSS.
📝 Submito is a web app designed to manage form submissions. It provides users with the ability to generate unique endpoints for form submissions, apply the endpoint as the action attribute in any HTML Form tag and then view the submissions in a dashboard. Made with Vue.js, Pinia, Express.js and PostgreSQL.
Learning Platform about Modern APIs. Features: API Basics, HTTP & Web APIs, Authentication, an Interactive API Playground and the ability to Create API. Made with Vue.js 3 + TailwindCSS
🏢 Creative Web Agency website template, made in Vue 3 (Composition API) + TailwindCSS + PrimeVue
⚔ A solutions repo for the code challenge website cssbattle.dev
💥 GSAP ScrollTrigger 3D Animation Landing Page
📃 A comprehensive and simple JQuery cheatsheet that contains the most useful & important aspects of the library.
:man: My personal bio
Learning Platform about the Basics of Network + Security Protocols. Made with Vue.js 3 + TailwindCSS
Leave Management System, fully created in PHP
RSA Encryption/Decryption with the JSEncrypt library.
🗝 OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Flow for Server-to-Server Integration. Sometimes you want to authorize servers to access data without interactively logging in each time the servers exchange information. This flow uses a certificate to sign the JWT request. However, this flow does require prior approval of the client app.
📝 Minimalistic Task Manager with full functionality made with ReactJS + SCSS
🚘 Transportation Company Landing Page. Made in Vue.js 3, TailwindCSS.
Vue Newsletter Popup component that inserts the submitted user's full name + email into a JSON. Trigger methods include: TimeOnPage, ExitIntent and onClick Made with Vite + Vue 3 + ExpressJS
Web Components for a minimalistic, yet complete, company landing page. The page contains: Navbar, Hero, Stripe Bar, About & Services Sections, Contact Form and Footer.