Display 3D objects using an external library.
This app just launches the sckit-robot(trimesh) viewer with a command.
recommended python version: 3.8.5
git clone https://github.com/kosuke55/viewer-3d.git
cd viewer-3d
pip install -e .
.bin .pcd
.obj .off .ply .stl .urdf
For point cloud file,
v3 input.pcd
v3 input.pcd.bin -c 5
To visualize binary data, you need to specify the channel(default=4).
For reference, KITTI pcd has 4 channels and Nuscene pcd has 5 channels.
Or for object file,
v3 input.obj
v3 input.off
v3 input.ply
v3 input.stl
v3 input.urdf