
Utilities functions for getting statistics, etc. on a corpus.

Primary LanguagePython


Utility functions for working with a text corpus.


  • Python 3.9+
    • Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Currently, there is no install script, so:
    • Need to add src directory to PYTHONPATH before running the following
      • Powershell: $env:PYTHONPATH='[PATH]/corporutil/src'
      • bash: export PYTHONPATH='[PATH]/corporutil/src'


Get Counts of Regular Expressions

python /path/to/src/corporutil/scripts/regex_counts.py
corpus  # see definitions below
stats  # output directory
--regex  # regular expressions to include



A corpus can be read in several different ways:

  1. Directory of files
    • Path to directory
    • Specify --glob *.txt if wanting only a subset of the files in the directory
  2. CSV file
  3. SAS7BDAT file
  4. SQL Table
    • Specify tablename with .sql extension (e.g., corpus.sql)
    • Specify query like 'select id, text from corpus'

Common Options

  • --column: (multiple okay) Specify names of columns (e.g., when pulling from sql; the text column should be the last specified)
  • --file-encoding: Defaults to 'utf8'
  • --sep: Separator for a CSV file
  • --connection-string: sqlalchemy-style connection string for database/query
  • --filearg: (multiple okay) Additional arguments to supply (e.g., to pandas.read_*) in form of --filearg key1==value1
  • --glob: Specify glob pattern for collecting files from a directory (e.g., '.txt' for all files ending in txt; defaults to '')

When using 'multiple okay', the flag must be specified for each (e.g., --column id --column date --column text).