
Implementing FE5 variables in konsepy framework

Primary LanguagePython

FE5 Variables with Konsepy NLP

Implementation of FE5 variables using the konsepy NLP framework.


Konsepy works around the idea of a concept. A concept is a semantic category which might have multple representations in text. For example, a concept might be SOCIAL_ISOLATION which targets any text describing this in text (e.g., 'no friends', 'lacks social support', etc.). Another could be COUGHING which might be described in text as ' coughs', 'hacking', 'wheeze', etc. The selection of concepts will depend on the particular application. If you only care about a single output category, it's sufficient to just have a single target concept.

Each concept is assigned a set of regular expressions which are used to assign a concept to a section of text. These regular expressions each receive an individual label.

Getting Started


  • Python 3.9+
  • Download/clone this project
    • The path to this location will be referred to as $PATH in the instructions below (this might be C:\code, etc.)
  • (Optional, but recommended) setup a virtual environment to isolate this particular installation
    • cd $PATH\fe5_konsepy
    • python -m venv .venv
      • The full path to python.exe might need to be specified in this command
    • Activate:
      • Powershell: .venv/scripts/activate.ps1
      • Linux/Mac: source .venv/bin/activate
  • Install required packages:
    • pip install requirements.txt
    • OR pip install .
  • A corpus file
    • In the future, other data sources will be included, for now it must be csv, jsonl, sas7bdat
    • Columns (these can be configured to use different names, but it's easiest if you select these names)
      • studyid: (required) subject-level identifier; if not important/relevant, set all instances to 1
      • note_id: (required) note-level identifier; unique identifier for each note
      • note_text: (required) text associated with each note
      • note_date: (optional) date of note; not used by algorithm so probably easiest to ignore
      • note_line: (optional) if note broken into multiple segments (see example in sample/corpus_lined.csv), specify this to join them
        • If using note_line, all portions of the note are assumed to appear together in the dataset (i.e., order by note_id, note_line)
      • corpus may contain other columns which will be ignored


  • To run the pipeline on a CSV file:
    • python src/run_all.py --input-files sample/corpus.csv --outdir out --id-label studyid
  • To run just the smoking pipeline on a CSV file:
    • python src/run_concept.py --input-files sample/corpus.csv --outdir out --id-label studyid --concept smoking
  • To run just the suicide_attempt pipeline on a CSV file: * python src/run_concept.py --input-files sample/corpus.csv --outdir out --id-label studyid --concept suicide_attempt

If you need to specify different headers/variables/labels to your corpus file, use the following command line arguments (the defaults are shown):

  • --id-label studyid
  • --noteid-label note_id
  • --notedate-label note_date
  • --notetext-label note_text


Once the target concepts have been identified, they will be output to CSV files in a the output directory starting with the labels run_all_{YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS}. Within this folder

  • For patient-level information, consider mrn_category_counts.csv
  • For note-level information, consider notes_category_counts.csv

The postprocessing step attempts to summarize the disparate counts/values extracted into a single concluding value to be populated to the FE Table. In certain cases, a single note might produce multiple output values (i.e., 1 note will equate to multiple lines in the FE table).

Any Changes to Category Counts?

While it is recommended to run postprocessing at the note-level (notes_catgory_counts.csv), you can perform summarization at a different level of analysis. E.g., to analyze by day/encounter, we might need to first group multiple notes together. The steps might be:

  1. Merge notes_category_counts.csv with a table that maps note_id to encounter_id
  2. Group by mrn (or studyid) and encounter_id and aggregate the counts with sum.
    • NB: 0 is left empty rather than output, so you may need to transform these missing values to 0 first
  3. Run the postprocessing

Running Postprocessing

There are two different files for running post-processing, depending on whether the target is smoking status or history of suicide attempt. They accept the same arguments. These will create a new file with all of the same metadata, but replace the extracted concepts with the following headers/variables/columns:

  • feature: the corresponding CUI to the concept
  • fe_codetype: UC (for UMLS CUI)
  • feature_status: any contextual conditions on the future (e.g., negated)
    • A: affirmed
    • X: other subject
    • H: historical
    • N: negated


python src/postprocess_smoking.py --infile notes_category_counts.csv --outfile fe_table_smoking.csv


python src/postprocess_hx_attempted_suicide.py --infile notes_category_counts.csv --outfile fe_table_hxsa.csv

Storing Version Information

It is probably important to store the version information in a separate table, linking with a unique PipelineID (or FeatureID as currently defined).

  • Pipeline name: fe5_konsepy
  • Source: https://github.com/kpwhri/fe5_konsepy
  • Version: 0.0.3
    • You can get this information by either:
      • Looking in src/fe5_konsepy/__init__.py
      • Looking at the most recent version at the top of CHANGELOG.md
      • Running git tag -l and selecting the largest (likely bottom) version number


  • Concept name: The name of the concept, equivalent to the name of the script
  • Concept label: The label given to the output of the concept; concepts will appear in the output CSV as CONCEPT_LABEL.CATEGORY
  • Categories: The actual categories for each concept that are identified
    • Each category will appear in the output CSV file as CONCEPT_LABEL.CATEGORY as the variable, and a count of occurences as the value

History of Attempted Suicide

  • Concept name: suicide_attempt
  • Concept label: SuicideAttempt
  • Concept definition: in specified note, had a suicide or self-harm attempt anytime in the past
  • Categories:
    • YES: evidence for past attempt
    • NO: denied past attempt
    • FAMILY: past attempt associated with someone else (no necessarily family member)
    • CODE: attempt identified from ICD code
  • Post-processing:
    • C0455507: History of attempted suicide
      • A: affirmative
      • N: negated
      • X: other subject (e.g., concept is relevant to a family member, not the patient)

History of Smoking

  • Concept name: smoking
  • Concept label: SmokingCategory
  • Concept definition: in specified note, evidence for current or historical smoking status
  • Categories:
    • NO: no evidence for smoking
    • CURRENT: current evidence
    • HISTORY: historical evidence
    • NEVER: evidence for never smoking
    • YES: evidence for smoking
  • Post-processing:
    • C0337664: Smoker - Persons with a history or habit of SMOKING
      • A: affirmed
      • N: negated
      • H: historical
    • C0337672: Non-smoker
      • A: affirmed