
Code accompanying the paper "Semi-Infinite Programming for Trajectory Optimization with Nonconvex Obstacles" by K. Hauser

Primary LanguagePython


Kris Hauser, with contributor Mengchao Zheng

Latest update: 7/26/2020

This package contains code accompanying the paper "Semi-Infinite Programming for Trajectory Optimization with Nonconvex Obstacles" by K. Hauser, in Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), 2018.

Animation of live optimization of a trajectory with a tree obstacle Animation of live optimization of a trajectory with a chair obstacle Real-time optimization of a robot pose in the presence of a chair obstacle

File structure

├── data                      World, robot, and object files for running the example code
|   └─── ...
├── geomopt.py                A geometry - geometry collision optimization example program
├── README.md                 This file
├── resources                 Path files for running the trajectory optimization example code
|   └─── ...
├── robotplanopt.py           A robot motion planning + trajectory optimization example program
├── robotposeopt.py           A robot pose - geometry collision optimization example program
├── robottrajopt.py           A robot trajectory optimization example program
├── semiinfinite/             The core Python module
|   ├── geometryopt.py        SIP code for collision-free constraints between geometries, for objects, robot poses, and robot trajectories.
|   ├── __init__.py           Tells Python that this is a module
|   ├── objective.py          Generic objectives for optimization problems
|   ├── planopt.py            Runs a hybrid sampling-based + trajectory optimization motion planner
|   └── sip.py                Generic semi-infinite programming code
└── utils
    └─── SDF Plotting.ipynb   A helper to plot Signed Distance Functions dumped in .mat format (see flag DUMP_SDF=True)


This package requires

  1. Numpy/Scipy

  2. OSQP for quadratic program (QP) solving. OSQP can be installed using

pip install osqp

Other solvers might be supported in the future.

  1. The Klampt 0.8.x Python API (https://klampt.org) to be installed. pip install klampt may work.

Basic usage:

Copy the semiinfinite folder to your desired project, or create a setup.py to install this into your Python site-packages, if you prefer. The following code optimizes the pose of a rigid objects so that it's collision free with respect to another object.

from __future_ import print_function
from klampt import *
from semiinfinite.geometryopt import PenetrationDepthGeometry,optimizeCollFree
from semiinfinite.sip import SemiInfiniteOptimizationSettings

# ... TODO: setup Klamp't Geometry3D or RigidObjectModel objects obj1 and obj2 here ...
# For example,
# obj1 = Geometry3D()
# obj1.loadFile("data/cube.off")
# obj2 = Geometry3D()
# obj2.loadFile("data/m797.off")

# Define a volumetric grid resolution
gridres = 0.05
# Define a point cloud resolution
pcres = 0.02

geom1 = PenetrationDepthGeometry(obj1,gridres,pcres)
geom2 = PenetrationDepthGeometry(obj2,gridres,pcres)

# ... TODO: setup appropriate object transforms


# The optimizer will optimize the transform of object 1 with object 2 fixed.
Tinit = obj1.getTransform()   # Initial transform
Tdes = None   # Desired transform.  This can be None, in which case the optimizer assumes Tdes=Tinit

# Run the optimizer with default settings.
# You can pass SemiInfiniteOptimizationSettings object into the settings argument if you want to
# configure the solver.
Tcollfree,trace,cps = optimizeCollFree(geom1,geom2,Tinit,Tdes,verbose=0,settings=None)

# Tcollfree is the solved rigid transform, in klampt.math.se3 format.
# You may want to test the soluiton for collision.
if geom1.distance(geom2) < 0:
    print("Couldn't solve for a collision free configuration")

# If you want to update the Klamp't object, call this...

Running demos

The example files in data/*.xml assume the Klampt-examples folder is one level up from this folder. If your Klampt-examples folder is somewhere else, change the paths accordingly.

In geomopt.py and robotposeopt.py, you can drag around the object transform and observe the results of the optimization.

Basic geometry - geometry collision testing

python geomopt.py data/cube.off

python geomopt.py data/cube.off data/m797.off

python geomopt.py data/cube.off data/scene2_1.pcd

Robot pose optimization testing:

python robotposeopt.py data/tx90_geom_test.xml

python robotposeopt.py data/tx90_geom_test2.xml

python robotposeopt.py data/tx90_geom_test3.xml

Trajectory optimization testing

python robottrajopt.py data/tx90_geom_test2.xml

This example uses resources/robottrajopt_initial.path as the initial path. If this file doesn't exist, you can create your own path by editing the configurations as prompted.

Optimal motion planning testing

python robotplanopt.py data/tx90_geom_test2.xml

This example asks you to define a start and goal configuration, and then you may choose to run various optimizing motion planners from the Actions menu.

Version history

7/26/2020 - Updated for Python 2/3 compatibility. Added motion planning examples. Improved line search method, with better scoring function (courtesy of Mengchao Zheng.) Fixed occasional crash in trajectory optimizer.

10/30/2018 - First release