
Dual MPU9250

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hello, Kriswiner.
I'm a graduate student who is studying for the master's degree in automotive engineering.

I want to use dual MPU9250.
I found your code from github.
But, I cannot use it due to some problems.

  1. Library
    Which library should I use?
    I found your mpu9250 library, but there is anything.

  2. Board
    You used ladybug, But, I want to use arduino due board.
    It doesn't seem necessary to modify the code in my opinion, should I?

Give me some tips about it.
I have really hard time these days because of my thesis.
Thank you.
I'll wait your reply.
Sincerely, Hayeon.

I totally studied hard after you gave me some tips.
But, It is still in problem.


How can I solve this problem..?

Yes, Of course.
I just downloaded zip file and uploaded to my arduino Due.

Can I run this in Arduino UNO.