
MPU9250 interrupt pin not working

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I have to configure the interrupts in the MPU set up to be active high, push-pull. However, I checked the oscilloscope that it is not working as expected.

Do you have any ideas about this issue?
Many thanks.

Below screenshot is the MPU9250 init.

Screenshot 2023-04-05 120029

Hi Kriswiner,

I used the STM32H7 to connect the MPU9250.
I used the oscilloscope to check the MPU9250 INT pin, no high level output.
Also, I configured the GPIO of STM32H7 as GPIO_MODE_IT_RISING, and I checked the GPIO EXIT interrupt that is work. Please see the below figure.

Many thanks

However, I can read the MPU9250 raw data, i.e., Accel, Gyro, Temp, using the below function.

According to your configuration, I tried that.
The interrupt pin is working.
Appreciate your help.
Many thanks