
Can such sensor be used for indoors inertial navigation ?

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I am working on an imu glove that gets the hand and fingers orientation in space it's working very well capturing those orientations with the madgwick filter
but I can't get any position tracking out of this thing after removing the gravity vector from acceleration integrating the acceleration twice the position drifts a lot after applying zero velocity update drift has improved a lot but moving the object a few cm along the x axis for example are no where near real values and also seem to have values along both y and z too even if I didn't move along them at all

anyway enough of my saying is there any working example or resources on using such sensor for inertial navigation people say they are not suitable for long term navigation but I thought for my project they would suffice

if there's any examples or other recommendation for position tracking of this glove would be appreciated as I have spent the last 2 days stuck on this