
Modular implementation of Reinforcement Learning agents and environments.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Modular implementation of Reinforcement Learning agents and environments.


Project name Voigt-Kampff originating in Philip K. Dick's cyberpunk novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. It is a polygraph-like machine used by the LAPD's Blade Runners to assist in the testing of an individual to see whether they are a replicant or not, i.e., AI or human. For more details see Wiki.





  • This project's Python environment is based on direnv, follow the instructions to install and hook into bash.
  • Pytorch is used as deep learning framework.
  • Get all git submodules by command:
    git submodule update --init --recursive

Run scripts

  • The run scripts are located in tyrell folder. For example, below command will train an A2C agent with tetris environment:
    python3 tyrell/a2c/run_tetris_a2c.py


pre-commit hooks

  • Install pre-commit: docs
  • Install git hooks:
    pre-commit install