
View mujoco in the brower with stompy model

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

License Discord Wiki

The Power of MuJoCo in your Browser.

Load and Run MuJoCo 2.3.1 Models using JavaScript and WebAssembly.

This repo is a fork of @zalo 's starter repository, adding tons of functionality and stompy robot scene from kscale labs.


JavaScript API

import load_mujoco from "./mujoco_wasm.js";

// Load the MuJoCo Module
const mujoco = await load_mujoco();

// Set up Emscripten's Virtual File System
mujoco.FS.mount(mujoco.MEMFS, { root: '.' }, '/working');
mujoco.FS.writeFile("/working/humanoid.xml", await (await fetch("./examples/scenes/humanoid.xml")).text());

// Load in the state from XML
let model       = new mujoco.Model("/working/humanoid.xml");
let state       = new mujoco.State(model);
let simulation  = new mujoco.Simulation(model, state);

Typescript definitions are available.

Work In Progress Disclaimer

So far, most mjModel and mjData state variables and functions (that do not require custom structs) are exposed.

At some point, I'd like to de-opinionate the binding and make it match the original MuJoCo API better.