
Baxter on Ridgeback

Primary LanguageC++


Repo for KTH - FACT Project demonstrator of collaborative operations

The whole demo includes the following task, managed by a gloabl state machine:

  • Pickup object
  • Assembly task
  • Inspection task
  • Moving from one target to another one

For documentation, and instructions on how to install and use this package, check the wiki.

The main installation and running steps are described here.


Watch the video

Dependencies (to be installed separately, before compiling the project)

  • MoveIt! (sudo apt install ros-kinetic-moveit*)
  • Python (tested with Python 3.5.2 + 2.7.12 installed, working with Python 2.7.12)
  • SciKit 0.18.1: sudo easy_install -U scikit-learn==0.18.1 (last version compatible with both Python 2.7 and 3.4, also possible to install it via pip) + sudo apt install python-sklearn
  • OpenCV (tested with OpenCV 3.3.1-dev)
  • Intel RealSense SDK 2.0 (tested with 2.23.0 version, newer versions may fail)
  • RTABMap 0.19.3 (older or newer versions may fail)


  • Edit baxter_ridgeback.sh file --> YOUR_IP (check ifconfig output)
  • Build with catkin_make (as catkin build will fail because of the ork_recognition package for table top detection)
  • Set ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS_IP in the .bashrc file, or use the sh script if you want to temporary setup these environment variables.
    • # Config for Baxter-on-Ridgeback
      export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://011509P0021.local:11311
      export ROS_IP=
    • Please use the ifconfig command to check what is your ROS_IP (here works ONLY for the INTEL NUC, may be different on your system).
  • All the paths are defined to work with the on-board INTEL NUC on Ridgeback. If you need to launch the scripts from your own computer, the easiest way is to globally change the path, thanks to the Global Search tool from VS Code or any editor:
    • Search and replace /ridgebackbaxter/ by /YOUR_USER_NAME/


The easiest way is to use TeamViewer to remote control the INTEL NUC.

  • There is an issue while attempting to access the INTEL NUC through TeamViewer or VNC without any screen attached to the HDMI port, resulting on a black screen or small and really slow experience while remote controlling. This is a known issue for these computers. A quick and easy trick consists in plugin the TV screen or whatever screen, start the TeamViewer or VNC session, and then unplug it.
  • Connect to the ridgeback-baxter-5GHz network
  • TeamViewer credentials:
    • Id:
      Pass: nucridgebackbaxter
  • Open a terminal:
    • Terminal 1: Access the Ridgeback and enable communication with Baxter
      • ssh administrator@cpr-ridgeback
      • Enable bluetooth for teleop (if required): sudo hciconfig hci0 up
      • Start screen session: screen (for letting it running in background)
      • Screen 1:
        • source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash && export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://011509P0021.local:11311
        • sudo ros service stop (pass: clearpath)
        • roslaunch ridgeback_base base.launch
      • Screen 2: (Ctrl+A then c)
        • source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash && export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://011509P0021.local:11311
        • roslaunch ridgeback_bringup accessories.launch
      • Screen 3: (Ctrl+A then c)
        • Detach screen: screen -d
    • Terminal 2 (new tab or window): Launch the Baxter-on-ridgeback description
      • roslaunch ridgeback_baxter_description description.launch
    • Terminal 3 (new tab or window): Launch the Realsense cameras
      • Check if RealSense cameras are detected rs-enumerate-devices | grep Serial
      • roslaunch realsense2_camera launch_realsense_intel_multi.launch
    • Terminal 4 (new tab or window): Launch the navigation module
      • Navigation: roslaunch rtabmap_ros ridgeback_multi_navigation.launch
      • Mapping: roslaunch rtabmap_ros ridgeback_multi_mapping.launch (explain how to edit database filename)
    • Terminal 5 (new tab or window): Finally, launch the global state machine
      • State Machine: roslaunch smach_baxter launch_baxter_manipulation.launch
      • If you want a visual output, open a new terminal, and launch rosrun smach_viewer smach_viewer.py