
The real Yumi doesn't move when plan and execute path with Moveit

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hi @YoshuaNava ,

We decide to do position control through ABB driver and modified the "controller.yaml" file according to your instruction. When I launch the "demo.launch" I got the correct feedback state of the real Yumi. When I plan and execute a path, the virtual Yumi in Rviz move, but the real Yumi doesn't. Do you have any idea what causes the problem?


Hello @Gene0213,
Due to our robot being booked atm, I can only look into this starting on Friday. In the meantime, could you send me the output of rostopic list when you run the YuMi nodes on the physical robot?

Are you still having this problem?

Hi, Yoshua,

I have exactly the same problem. I modified the controller.yaml file, ran abb driver. Trajectory is executed in rviz but real robot doesn't move. Moveit always does a fake execution of trajectory. Here are the results of rostopic list:

Any ideas?

Best Regards,


It is working now. After I ran through the launch files, I found out that I made a stupid mistake. I didn't pay attention to the difference between demo.launch and demo_online.launch.

Hi @leishi07

I have done the firmware setup as provided in this repository. Then, I also modified controller.yaml file and ran abb driver.
The robot in rviz is following the trajectory but the real robot is not moving. I also checked the "rostopic list", and it is publishing the topic just like yours.
Can you please help me out?


Hi @leishi07

I have done the firmware setup as provided in this repository. Then, I also modified controller.yaml file and ran abb driver. The robot in rviz is following the trajectory but the real robot is not moving. I also checked the "rostopic list", and it is publishing the topic just like yours. Can you please help me out?


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