yumi_gripper_node REQUIRED process [yumi/yumi_gripper-10] has died!
Closed this issue · 1 comments
bhomaidan1990 commented
Hi, I'm using KTH-ros-pkg on ROS Noetic, but when running roslaunch yumi_support robot_interface.launch
I get the following error message:
[ INFO] [1634715830.856610333]: Robot state connecting to IP address: 'x?zz?:2054877872'
free(): invalid size
REQUIRED process [yumi/yumi_gripper-10] has died!
process has died [pid 19129, exit code -6, cmd /home/belal/ros1_ws/KTH/devel/lib/yumi_hw/yumi_gripper_node __name:=yumi_gripper __log:=/home/belal/.ros/log/76fb1620-3179-11ec-9b3c-8b5e4aa81ae2/yumi-yumi_gripper-10.log].
log file: /home/belal/.ros/log/76fb1620-3179-11ec-9b3c-8b5e4aa81ae2/yumi-yumi_gripper-10*.log
Initiating shutdown!
can you please tell me how to solve this issue? thanks in advance.
Note that I have modified this line control_period_pub.publish(period.toSec());
std_msgs::Float64 msg; msg.data = period.toSec(); control_period_pub.publish(msg);
in the yumi_hw_iface_node.cpp, otherwise I was getting an error for publishing a float directly!
bhomaidan1990 commented
The solution was to add return true;
to all the bool functions in yumi_hw package, and doing the following change to yumi_hw.cpp:
const urdf::JointConstSharedPtr urdf_joint = urdf_model->getJoint(joint_name);
const urdf::JointConstSharedPtr urdf_joint_sitffness = urdf_model->getJoint(joint_name + std::string("_stiffness"));
// const boost::shared_ptr<const urdf::Joint> urdf_joint = urdf_model->getJoint(joint_name);
// const boost::shared_ptr<const urdf::Joint> urdf_joint_sitffness = urdf_model->getJoint(joint_name + std::string("_stiffness"));