
why insecureRegistries have different behavior between docker and containerd

Opened this issue · 3 comments

What is version of KubeKey has the issue?

any version

What is your os environment?

any environment

KubeKey config file

    privateRegistry: "dockerhub.kubekey.local"
    namespaceOverride: ""
    registryMirrors: []
    insecureRegistries: "xxx.a", "xxx.b"

A clear and concise description of what happend.

The same config.yaml but different container runtime: docker and containerd, why docker can set insecuryRegitries in daemon.json while containerd just set insecuryRegitries for mirrors。

container config

## container  pkg/service/containermanager/templates/config.toml

        {{- if .Mirrors }}
          endpoint = [{{ .Mirrors }}, "https://registry-1.docker.io"]
        {{ else }}
          endpoint = ["https://registry-1.docker.io"]
        {{- end}}
        {{- range $value := .InsecureRegistries }}
          endpoint = ["http://{{$value}}"]
        {{- end}}

## docker pkg/service/containermanager/templates/daemon.json
{{- if .InsecureRegistries }}
"insecure-registries": [{{ .InsecureRegistries }}],
{{- end}}

Can docker & containerd has the same behavior?
I try to use containerd instead of docker then found this question.

Relevant log output

No response

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No response


// Registry is the configuration for a cluster registry
type Registry struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`

	// PrivateRegistry defines the private registry address of ContainerManager.
	PrivateRegistry string `json:"privateRegistry"`

	// InsecureRegistries defines the insecure registries of ContainerManager.
	InsecureRegistries []string `json:"insecureRegistries,omitempty"`

	// RegistryMirrors defines the registry mirrors of this PrivateRegistry.
	RegistryMirrors []string `json:"registryMirrors,omitempty"`

	// NamespaceOverride defines the namespace override of this PrivateRegistry.
	NamespaceOverride string `json:"namespaceOverride"`

	// Auth defines the auth of this PrivateRegistry.
	Auth RegistryAuth `json:"auth"`

我在实际使用中,通常是用kk init registry拉起一个registry,然后会把一些镜像推送到这个registry,但是镜像的地址可能是a.b.com/ns/docker:v1.0,其中的域名 可能不是PrivateRegistry,然后在拉取镜像的时候,仍沿用a.b.com这个域名的情况下,就需要设置InsecureRegistries。InsecureRegistries应该类似当前registry的别名的用法。
另外 kk init registry启动的Registry服务默认只有https服务。

containerd does support insecure registries.
The configuration is harder to find as it has changed.
The recommendation is to move to using:
config_path = "/etc/containerd/certs.d"

Now with this configuration each host has a directory and a configuration file.
The directory matches the hostname (and port if non-standard) of the registry.
Then a hosts.toml file in the directory
example from my system for an internal registry:

server = "http://registry-trow.registry.svc.cluster.local:8000"

  capabilities = ["pull", "resolve", "push"]
  skip_verify = true

mirrors can be added to these entries too.
like this:

server = "https://docker.io"
  capabilities = ["pull", "resolve"]