Install Kubernetes/K3s only, both Kubernetes/K3s and KubeSphere, and related cloud-native add-ons, it supports all-in-one, multi-node, and HA 🔥 ⎈ 🐳
- bear1990jx
- BluevitalityAisa/Shanghai
- cloud-jeongSeoul, Korea
- cluo
- codeagencybeCode Agency
- d3bt3ch
- drkostasUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- dsoul
- eemailme
- einsliGenius
- eric2016fly
- hhofchina
- huangbaihua001ChengDu
- Hubery2757
- jhcloos
- kaleyroy
- LcryIT
- ljqUnknown
- llhl001
- longxwl
- macaty
- pixiake@青云QingCloud
- qianzhang613Shanghai, China
- rayzhou2017QingCloud
- smartpcrMicrosoft
- stellar2012wxg
- suckitfaRookies Ltd
- wangqiwq
- winning1120xx
- xuanyuanaosheng中国
- xusisheng
- yunshangdetianya
- YunShiTiger
- zh8507077047
- zhenqinshangtiandy
- zhubao315MXds