Install Kubernetes/K3s only, both Kubernetes/K3s and KubeSphere, and related cloud-native add-ons, it supports all-in-one, multi-node, and HA 🔥 ⎈ 🐳
- aclkXNebula
- Alanthur
- AnyISalIn@novitalabs
- CoderPoet@bytedance
- daixijun@verystar
- Dbraum
- FizeTencent
- gdzy1987
- googlebabaio
- juan-vg@Lansweeper
- kinzhi
- kkxxxxxxxMars
- koy1619127.0.0.1
- kuozoChengdu, China
- leoendlessWuhan, Hubei
- LeonDevLifeLognanjing,jiangsu China
- lxm1007
- min-zh
- rayzhou2017QingCloud
- redhatxlanchnet
- ResearchMore
- rysinal
- soulseenNetease
- spwangxpwuhan/china
- strongithttp://devopslinux.com/
- swiftsleeused to work for @kubesphere @qihoo360
- syhc006
- tengshe789Own business
- tester-rep
- turtlechang桃園市
- WaysonWeiPortainer.io
- wtxuebytedance
- yf33yang
- yunkunrao
- yuyicaiChina
- zackzhangkai@kubernetes @istio