VTNet: Visual Transformer Network for Object Goal Navigation

Make the conda environment:

conda create --name VTNet_test_env  python=3.6 
conda activate VTNet_test_env -y

#install pytorch and other required packages
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia -y
conda install -c conda-forge ipywidgets -y
conda install ipykernel ipywidgets matplotlib -y
conda install -c conda-forge setproctitle -y
conda install -c anaconda numpy -y

python3 -m pip install --upgrade --user urllib3==1.25.9
python3 -m pip install --upgrade --user pillow==6.2.0 
conda install -c anaconda scikit-learn -y
conda install scikit-learn-intelex -y

pip install opencv-python urllib3 

#the following command resolves some errors
pip install -U torch #??
pip install --upgrade protobuf

Delete pytorch==1.4.0 from requirements.txt because the RTX 3060 on Ubuntu 18 needs the following in requirements.txt:



The code is tested with Ubuntu18.04 and CUDA10.2 on the campus cluster. For the RTX 3060 local setup used for fast development, we have cudatoolkit 11.1.74.

pip install -r requirements.txt


Before pre-training the VT, you could download the dataset here.


python main_pretraining.py --gpu-ids 0 --workers 4 --model PreTrainedVisualTransformer --detr --title a3c --work-dir ./work_dirs/

The training dataset could be downloaded here and the link of DETR features is here.

A3C training

python main.py --gpu-ids 0 --workers 4 --model VTNetModel --detr --title a3c_vtnet --work-dir ./work_dirs/

For the local setup using RTX 3060:

python main.py --gpu-ids 0 --workers 1 --model VTNetModel --detr --title a3c_vtnet --work-dir ./work_dirs/ --pretrained-trans /ssd2/VTNet_implementation/vtnet_pretrained_checkpoint.pth --batch-size 64 --ep-save-freq 10000 --epochs 20

You can also set the number of episodes to train the A3C for using --max-ep argument:

python main.py --gpu-ids 0 --workers 1 --model VTNetModel --detr --title a3c_vtnet --work-dir ./work_dirs/ --pretrained-trans /ssd2/VTNet_implementation/vtnet_pretrained_checkpoint.pth --batch-size 64 --ep-save-freq 100 --epochs 1 --max-ep 1000  

Cut the following line 95 and paste it before main() in main.py:


This is to avoid the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 248, in <module>
  File "main.py", line 95, in main
  File "/home/kulbir/anaconda3/envs/vtnet_new_env/lib/python3.6/multiprocessing/context.py", line 242, in set_start_method
    raise RuntimeError('context has already been set')
RuntimeError: context has already been set


python full_eval.py --gpu-ids 0 --detr --save-model-dir {SAVE_MODEL_DIR} --results-json ./result.json --model VTNetModel --title a3c_previstrans_base

For local setup on RTX 3060:

We have to mention the {path to the saved model directory} and the path where we want the result.json to be saved.

python full_eval.py --gpu-ids 0 --workers 1 --detr --save-model-dir /ssd2/VTNet_implementation/work_dirs/a3c_vtnet_train_2022-04-12_13-11-25/trained_models/  --results-json /ssd2/VTNet_implementation/work_dirs/a3c_vtnet_train_2022-04-12_13-11-25/trained_models/result.json --model VTNetModel --title a3c_vtnet --batch-size 1

Since the dataset is about 80GB in size, it is recommended to download it on a external storage disk and then extract it on local machine using CLI. GUI hangs most of the time due to the sheer size of the dataset and you can get "no space left on device error" even if there is space left.

tar -xvf /media/kulbir/SSD_storage/CS444_project_ssd/AI2Thor_offline_data_2.0.2.tar.gz -C /ssd2/CS444_project
tar -xvf /media/kulbir/SSD_storage/CS444_project_ssd/AI2Thor_offline_data_2.0.2_detr_features.tar.gz -C /ssd2/CS444_project 
tar -xvf /media/kulbir/SSD_storage/CS444_project_ssd/AI2Thor_VisTrans_Pretrain_Data.tar.gz -C /ssd2/CS444_project 


Transfer the files from your local computer to the campus cluster scratch directory using scp:

scp /ssd2/VTNet_implementation/AI2Thor_offline_data_2.0.2.tar.gz ksa5@cc-login.campuscluster.illinois.edu:/home/ksa5/scratch/VTNet_data 

scp /ssd2/VTNet_implementation/AI2Thor_offline_data_2.0.2_detr_features.tar.gz ksa5@cc-login.campuscluster.illinois.edu:/home/ksa5/scratch/VTNet_data 

scp /ssd2/VTNet_implementation/AI2Thor_VisTrans_Pretrain_Data.tar.gz ksa5@cc-login.campuscluster.illinois.edu:/home/ksa5/scratch/VTNet_data 

#transfer the pretrained weights file to remote repo on cluster:
scp /ssd2/VTNet_implementation/vtnet_pretrained_checkpoint.pth ksa5@cc-login.campuscluster.illinois.edu:/home/ksa5/VTNet_implementation

Extract the files: -x = extract, -v = display the extracted file in terminal, Use the --directory (-C) to extract archive files in a specific directory

tar -xvf AI2Thor_VisTrans_Pretrain_Data.tar.gz -C ~/scratch/VTNet_data/
tar -xvf AI2Thor_offline_data_2.0.2.tar.gz -C ~/scratch/VTNet_data/
tar -xvf AI2Thor_offline_data_2.0.2_detr_features.tar.gz -C ~/scratch/VTNet_data/

Changing the file paths

Change the file paths in full_eval.py, main.py and main_pretraining.py

    args.data_dir = os.path.expanduser('/home/ksa5/scratch/VTNet_data/AI2Thor_offline_data_2.0.2/')
    args.data_dir = os.path.expanduser('/home/ksa5/scratch/VTNet_data/AI2Thor_offline_data_2.0.2/')
    args.data_dir = os.path.expanduser('/home/ksa5/scratch/VTNet_data/AI2Thor_VisTrans_Pretrain_Data/')

Switch to UIUC_campus_cluster_VTNet branch

git checkout UIUC_campus_cluster_VTNet

Using vim

Using vim:

i: to enter insert mode
:w ==> to write(save) but not exit
:q ==> to quit(exit)
:wq ==> to write and quit
ESC ==> to escape insert mdoe

Change your ~/.bashrc file and include the following and then save it:

module load python/3

export PYTHONPATH=/home/$USER/scratch/mypython3:${PYTHONPATH}

module load anaconda/2019-Oct/3

conda activate VTNet_test_env

After saving .bashrc, do: source ~/.bashrc.

Setup conda environment and ~/.bashrc


Changing the file paths

Change the file paths in full_eval.py, main.py and main_pretraining.py

    args.data_dir = os.path.expanduser('/ssd2/CS444_project/AI2Thor_offline_data_2.0.2/')
    args.data_dir = os.path.expanduser('/ssd2/CS444_project/AI2Thor_offline_data_2.0.2/')
    args.data_dir = os.path.expanduser('/ssd2/CS444_project/AI2Thor_VisTrans_Pretrain_Data/')

Errors and their solutions for local setup using RTX 3060

Error 1

Error: RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (3) : initialization error at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1544174967633/work/aten/src/THC/THCGeneral.cpp:51 Solution: pyg-team/pytorch_geometric#131

Add the following:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Error 2

Error: RuntimeError: cuDNN error: CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED using pytorch Solution: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66588715/runtimeerror-cudnn-error-cudnn-status-not-initialized-using-pytorch Call the following function:

def force_cudnn_initialization():
    s = 32
    dev = torch.device('cuda')
    torch.nn.functional.conv2d(torch.zeros(s, s, s, s, device=dev), torch.zeros(s, s, s, s, device=dev))

Error 3

Error: Path or directory not found Solution: change the path to your training datasets and change the paths which are valid for your setup. For example in offline_controller_with_small_rotation.py:


Also, in full_eval.py:

args.data_dir = os.path.expanduser('/ssd2/CS444_project/AI2Thor_offline_data_2.0.2/')

In main.py:

args.data_dir = os.path.expanduser('/ssd2/CS444_project/AI2Thor_offline_data_2.0.2/')

Error 4

Error: CUDA out of memory in training Solutions:

  1. Use --workers 1 #and not --workers 4
  2. Use --batch-size 64 or --batch-size 32
python main.py --gpu-ids 0 --workers 1 --model VTNetModel --detr --title a3c_vtnet --work-dir ./work_dirs/ --pretrained-trans /ssd2/VTNet_implementation/vtnet_pretrained_checkpoint.pth --batch-size 64 --epochs 20

Error 5

Error: Disk out of space Solution: Save the model weights after 10,000 episodes only USe the argument: --ep-save-freq 10000

 python main.py --gpu-ids 0 --workers 1 --model VTNetModel --detr --title a3c_vtnet --work-dir ./work_dirs/ --pretrained-trans /ssd2/VTNet_implementation/vtnet_pretrained_checkpoint.pth --batch-size 64 --ep-save-freq 10000 --epochs 20

Error 6


/ssd2/VTNet_implementation/models/vtnetmodel.py:226: UserWarning: __floordiv__ is deprecated, and its behavior will change in a future version of pytorch. It currently rounds toward 0 (like the 'trunc' function NOT 'floor'). This results in incorrect rounding for negative values. To keep the current behavior, use torch.div(a, b, rounding_mode='trunc'), or for actual floor division, use torch.div(a, b, rounding_mode='floor').
  dim_t = 10000 ** (2 * (dim_t // 2) / c_pos_embedding)

Solution: Update the following lines in vtnetmodel.py:

floor_division = torch.div(dim_t, 2, rounding_mode='floor')
# dim_t = 10000 ** (2 * (dim_t // 2) / c_pos_embedding)
dim_t = 10000 ** (2 * (floor_division) / c_pos_embedding)

Using the campus cluster

Using SSH

We use the following format to login to the head node:

ssh -X -l netid cc-login.campuscluster.illinois.edu   

Submit the job on the campus cluster using the following command:

qsub campus_cluster_script.pbs


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

    title={{\{}VTN{\}}et: Visual Transformer Network for Object Goal Navigation},
    author={Heming Du and Xin Yu and Liang Zheng},
    booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},