
DEPCRATED. Leiningen template to generate IDE files for existing projects. Superseded by the lein-idefiles plugin.

Primary LanguageClojure

ide-files (deprecated)

A Leiningen template for generating IDE files for existing projects. Superseded by https://github.com/kumarshantanu/lein-idefiles


Latest stable version on Clojars: 0.1.0

No installation is required if you are using Leiningen 2--templates are automatically downloaded on first use. Lein 1.x users may need to refer https://github.com/Raynes/lein-newnew


To use the template create (or clone from version control) Leiningen project followed by creating IDE files.

$ lein new foo    # or get from version control, or extract downloaded sources
$ cd foo
$ lein new ide-files all     # creates IDE files for both Eclipse and IDEA
$ lein new ide-files eclipse # creates only Eclipse files
$ lein new ide-files idea    # creates only IDEA files


To use the development version of this template, follow the steps below:

$ git clone https://github.com/kumarshantanu/ide-files.git
$ cd ide-files
$ lein install    # to install locally

Use the template as described in Usage section.


  • Shantanu Kumar
  • Michael Klishin


Copyright © 2013 Shantanu Kumar and contributors

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

Getting in touch

Via Twitter: @kumarshantanu

Via e-mail: kumar(dot)shantanu at gmail