
Generate IDE files for Leiningen projects

Primary LanguageClojure


A Leiningen plugin to generate IDE files for projects. This plugin supersedes the ide-files Leiningen template.


Requires Leiningen 2.1 or better.

On Clojars: https://clojars.org/lein-idefiles

The recommended way is to install as a user-level plugin by putting [lein-idefiles "0.2.1"] into the :plugins vector of your :user profile, i.e. in ~/.lein/profiles.clj:

{:user {:plugins [[lein-idefiles "0.2.1"]]}}

You may also install as a project-level plugin by putting [lein-idefiles "0.2.1"] into the :plugins vector of your project.clj:

:plugins [[lein-idefiles "0.2.1"]]


$ lein new foo-bar      # or clone a repo from version control
$ cd foo-bar
$ lein idefiles all     # creates IDE files for both Eclipse and IDEA
$ lein idefiles eclipse # creates only Eclipse files
$ lein idefiles idea    # creates only IDEA files


  • Shantanu Kumar
  • Michael Klishin


Copyright © 2013-2014 Shantanu Kumar and contributors

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.