
Custom ROS build for Pepper robot forked from https://bitbucket.org/pepper_qut/ros-pepper

Primary LanguagePython


Getting started

Clone the repository into the home directory of your VM and navigate to the cloned directory.

git clone https://bitbucket.org/pepper_qut/ros-pepper ~/my_workspace
cd ~/my_workspace

Building ROS

To build ROS simply run the build script. This process takes a long time!


NOTE A custom 4GB swapfile is needed to compile the existing ROS stack. NOTE Need to manually install libyaml-cpp.a into /usr/lib directory.

To make use of your ROS installation, you now need to source the ROS setup.bash script.

source ~/my_workspace/ros_toolchain_install/setup.bash

Lastly, to copy the files to your robot, run the command:

pepper_deploy --core

Building Additional Packages

If you wish to build additional ROS packages, you can now create a catkin workspace as usual (see the ROS documentation if you are unfamiliar with this process)

These packages can then be copied to the robot by running the commande:
