

'importGH' imports the datadump.xlsx from and returns adjusted ghDB object

  • @param: path, filepath on your system
  • @return: ghDB, genehancer-DB import to work with

'queryGHdb' given a list of GH-regions with START/END coordinates this function maps variants in set to this list and creates a new column "GHID"

  • @param: set, annotated list to be matched
  • @param: GHdb, list of GH-regions with cols "GHID","CHROM","START","END"
  • @return: set, input-set extended by "CandidateGene"-column

'matchGenehancers' given a list of names for gois this function finds all the regions in ghDB that are associated with those genes and outputs a reduced version of ghDB to work with in your project

  • @param: query, list of gene names to match against
  • @param: genehancer, imported dataframe of ghDB
  • @return: tmpGH, ghDB reduced to goi

'evalGH' analyses cols 'CandidateGene' and 'GHID' and returns summary for input-set

  • @param: input, annotated list (SV,CNV,INDEL,SNV)
  • @param: ghDB, genehancer-DB object
  • @return: summary object with cols 'Gene','scores','sum|max|minscores','nscores'

'topGGH' takes an evaluation object as input and returns a bar-plot object of the top genes of interest associated with GH-regions, i.e., most GH-regions

  • @param: evalObj, output of 'evalGH' function
  • @param: percent, displayed percentage of genes [0,1], defaults to 10% if left empty
  • @param: plottitle, headline for this plot, may be left empty
  • @return: p1, a ggplot2 prepped plot

'topGScore' takes an evaluation object as input and returns a bar-plot object of the top genes of interest based on max-score

  • @param: evalObj, output of 'evalGH' function
  • @param: percent, displayed percentage of genes [0,1]1], defaults to 10% if left empty
  • @param: plottitle, headline for this plot, may be left empty
  • @return: p1, a ggplot2 prepped plot

'topGDA' analyses cols 'CandidateGene' return plot of directly associated Cgenes

  • @param: input, annotated list (SV,CNV,INDEL,SNV)
  • @param: percent, displayed percentage of genes [0,1]1], defaults to 10% if left empty
  • @param: plottitle, headline for this plot, may be left empty
  • @return: p1, a ggplot2 prepped plot