
A object recognition framework based on learned object classes.


Installation of PCL

  1. Get the PCL source code:

     git clone pcl-trunk
  2. Configure and compile PCL:

    NOTE: when compiling PCL please make sure that "opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash" is NOT sourced (see

     cd pcl-trunk && mkdir build && cd build
     ccmake ..

    In the interactive menu of ccmake hit c for configure. Then enable the variable BUILD_apps (by setting it to ON) and hit c for configure. Afterward set the varibale BUILD_app_3d_rec_framework to ON and configure again (hit c). Finally, hit g for generate and exit.

    Back on the command line type:


    The installation of PCL is optional, as we can build the ROS package against the library in PCL's build directory:

     sudo make install 

Installation of this package

  1. Get the code:

     git clone 
  2. Compile the code using catkin (Please note: it will fail! Just continue with the next step):

     cd strands-object-classification
     catkin_make --force-cmake -DPCL_DIR=/path/tp/pcl/build
  3. As the compilation above fails, configure now two missing variables: PCL_APP_3D_REC_FRAMEWORK_INCLUDE_DIR and PCL_APP_3D_REC_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY. Do this as follows:

     cd build
     ccmake ../src -DCATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX=../devel -DPCL_DIR=/path/to/pcl/build

    Within the interactive menu of ccmake set the variables:

    PCL_APP_3D_REC_FRAMEWORK_INCLUDE_DIR to /path/to/pcl/pcl/apps/3d_rec_framework/include and

    PCL_APP_3D_REC_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY to �/path/to/pcl/build/lib/

    Finally, configure (press c), and generate and exit (press g).

  4. Compile again:

     cd ..
     catkin_make --force-cmake -DPCL_DIR=/path/tp/pcl/build

Getting Started

Get a models archive and unzip somewhere on your disk.

Start some terminals and run the commands below:

  1. Fire up roscore:

     $ roscore
  2. Start the recognition service (The duration of the training phase depends on how many models you use):

     $ rosrun shape_simple_classifier shape_simple_classifier_node -models_dir /path/to/models/data/ -training_dir /path/to/models/trained/ -nn 10

    Use -chop_z to cut off all information beyond a given distance. FOr example: -chop_z 2

  3. Plug-in the kinect and start openni:

     $ roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
  4. Run a client to test the service:

     $ rosrun soc_test soc_test_node